Thursday, February 28, 2019

[Aneinu] Please daven for girl in Israel

Please daven for Tehila bat Yael. 'Tehila recognizes us, but she doesn't speak' Family of teenager struck in the head by iron bar from construction site demands full investigation. 'She does not remember what happened.' Benny Toker, כ"ג באדר תשע"ט, 2/28/2019 Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90 Haim, the uncle of Tehila Ben Zino, the girl who was very seriously injured two weeks ago when an iron bar which fell from a construction site struck her in the head on her school grounds, spoke to Arutz Sheva about her condition. "Thank G-d, there has been a slight improvement and Tehila is already breathing on her own and she is no longer in a coma. She is communicating with her parents and those around her through her eyes and by shaking her hands. She still cannot speak, but she recognizes us and remembers us all," the uncle said. "I'm not a doctor, but it's a good sign that she recognizes the parents, the uncles and the family. She does not remember what happened to her. When we asked her about the incident she replied that she remembered that it had happened. We are not doctors but we pray that G-d will do His part and with time we will see more improvement. We ask the public to continue praying for the recovery of Tehila Bat Yael," he added. He noted that the family is very disappointed with the police handling of the incident. "There is nothing new in this matter. Everything is stuck. The investigation of the police has not been exhausted and we have not received any notice. I am taking advantage of this platform again to call for further investigative efforts to bring about the discovery of the truth."   Ben Zino expressed his admiration for the people of Israel for their support and resilience during difficult periods. "The family is supportive, the friends, the staff from the seminary and the people of Israel are reaching out to help. But at the end of the day the tension and pain falls on the parents, who have six other children at home." Last week, Tehila's family demanded that the police investigate the possibility that the dropping of the iron bar on their daughter was no accident and was nationalistically motivated.  Tehila's father, Avraham Ben Zino, said, "My daughter went to study at the seminary and returned to the intensive care unit on a stretcher, anesthetized, and with assisted breathing after she went to school, to the seminary, in the middle of Jerusalem." "The family demands that there be an investigation and that the security forces interrogate everyone who worked there and everyone who was there, that everyone [responsible] should be brought to justice ... I want someone to come and tell me, a, b, c. There cannot be a situation where I send a girl to study and she comes back to me on a stretcher."

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