Thursday, February 21, 2019

Reb Shlomo's Commentary on this Week's Torah Parsha Parshat Tetzaveh

Deeper than Prophecy Now you shall command (Sh'mos 27:20) After the Golden Calf, G-d tells Moshe he will wipe out all the Yidden, so Moshe Rabbeinu said to G-d, “If you want to wipe out the Yidden from the world, wipe me out from your book as well.” Therefore, everybody knows that Moshe Rabbeinu’s name is not mentioned in the portion of this week. We usually read the portion of Tetzaveh before Purim, and in the reading of the Megillah of Esther – G-d’s name is not mentioned, but gevalt is G-d’s name in felt in every word of the Megillah. Here, too, in Tetzaveh, Moshe Rabbeinu’s name is not mentioned, but gevalt is Moshe Rabbeinu part of this portion. And here I want you to open your hearts. Someone once asked me if he should go to a certain function or not. I said to him, "You should only go to a place where if you don’t go, they will feel the absence of your presence every second you are not there. But if it really wouldn’t make a difference if you are there or not – don’t go.” Moshe’s absence is felt in every passage of the portion. When G-d says to Moshe, “I’m going to wipe out the Jews, and you will be the only one left,” would you have the chutzpah to contradict G-d? How could have Moshe said what he said? Moshe Rabbeinu did everything on the level of prophecy; he was always in tune. But here Moshe Rabbeinu was connecting with the inside of the inside. His inside of all insides said, “I can’t be without Yidden. Ribbono shel Olam, I’m sorry to tell you, if you wipe out the Yidden, you have to wipe me out, too.” What level did Moshe Rabbeinu reach at that moment? Moshe Rabbeinu reached a level that is even deeper than prophecy. So here G-d says to Moshe, “I’m not putting your name in this parashah, not because I am angry with you, but because you have tuned into the deepest secrets of the world. And since this is where you are – "Ve’ata tetzaveh es b’nei Yisrael," I want you to tell your brother Aharon to kindle the light in the Holy Temple.” What kind of light was it? Let me ask you, what kind of a light do we have to shine into the world? I have to shine a light of "mecheni na," a light that is deeper than whatever the world is accustomed to. This is the light of the Holy Temple. This is the light of Purim. This is the light of love between all Yidden.

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