Monday, April 22, 2019

Aneinu Suspicious Man

On Sunday night at around 9:15 pm, a middle eastern man in his 40s approached a woman in the community in the Mariano’s parking lot as she was getting out of her car. When he was about 4 feet away,  the passenger in her car got out of the vehicle, the man realized she was not alone and did an about face, turned 180 degrees and started to walk away. The woman thought this was strange and continued to watch the man and saw him walking aimlessly around the cars. Eventually he approached a teenage girl who was waiting in the passenger seat of a van while her mother was in the store. When the woman saw the young girl had opened her door to talk to the man, the woman intervened and asked the man if he needed help. He replied that the girl was helping him. The woman asked the girl if she knew him, and she said she did not. This upset the man and he became agitated and his demeanor completely changed. He asked if the woman was a cop. The woman said she would help him instead of the girl and asked him what he needed help with. He became more agitated, saying it didn’t concern the woman and that she should mind her own business. Eventually the man said he needed help with his car. The woman said she could call him a tow truck or an Uber and asked if there was anyone else she could call for him. The man replied that he had a working phone (which was in his hand). To which the woman asked, “if you have a working phone, what could a teenage girl possibly help you with that you can’t call someone else to help you with?” He then said he did not have to answer to the woman, swore, and stormed off towards the Lincolnwood Town Center parking lot. The manager of Mariano’s was called out and he refused to call the police and did nothing to help. The woman called the police who arrived shortly after. They apprehended the man at lincolnwood town center, but did nothing. They said they had spoken to the man about a week ago when he was riding his bike and that he had no car as it had been impounded and his licensed revoked. They did not specify why they had stopped him last week on his bike. The police said there was nothing they could do even though the man had no car, yet he told the girl and the woman he needed help with his car and a MINOR was involved in the incident. No police report was filed. This man was well dressed and clean cut. He was wearing a grey or light colored dress shirt with vertical white pin stripes tucked into jeans with a belt. He was wearing a bluetooth ear piece. He was clean shaven with slightly geled hair. He was about 45 and Middle Eastern and had a slight accent. This man intentionally parked his bike in a different parking lot and clearly had planned this out. This is a reminder that people can look respectable and play the part of a friendly person in need, but still have malicious intentions. Do not open your car windows or doors for strangers, even in a well lit busy parking lot like Marianos. This took place in a parking space closest to Mariano’s entrance. Do not follow strangers who are in need of help. Keep an eye out for suspicious activity.

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