Thursday, May 23, 2019

Aneinu Please Daven Urgent

PLEASE DAVEN and forward this to all of your contacts. This is really a matter of life and death for a young aishes chayil. We should only hear Bsuros Tovos and Yeshuos, and may all of our tefillos be answered!!   I will try and keep everyone posted as to how Toive Raizel bas Zlata is doing so that we can continue davening.   NEW NAME Toiba Raizel bas Zlata 23-May 23-Jun (Formerly of Beitar, packed up moved to Brooklyn) She has been treated at Sloan Kettering for Stage 4 Cancer.  The situation is dire and according to the family the doctors have "given up on her."  Here's a link to a joint tehillim read for her:  Please daven and say tehillim asking Hashem to open His Storehouse of Blessings, and shower her with shefa brachos ad bli dai.   UPDATE (URGENT) Tinook ben Moriah Temima 3-May 30-Jun (Israel) Please daven and say tehillim for this baby in great need of a refua/yeshua.  24-MAY-2019 BABY IS STILL IN NICU, IN CRITICAL CONDITION, IN DESPARATE NEED OF A REFUA.  PLEASE STORM SHOMAYIM WITH YOUR TEFILLOS AND YOUR TEHILLIM.  

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