Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Fwd: In Honor of the Kedoshim

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From: Agudath Israel of America <siyumhashas@agudathisrael.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 9, 2019, 4:15 PM
Subject: In Honor of the Kedoshim
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

An Outpouring of Emotion
"There can be no nicer Matzeivah" – Siyum Hashas Dedicated to the Kedoshim at Seventh Siyum

In 1975, the Seventh Siyum Hashas was still a modest event with participation in the hundreds. Still, that simcha shel Torah was exceptionally poignant – setting in motion the explosion in the learning of Daf Yomi and participation in the subsequent Siyumim. 

Three decades after the Holocaust, The Agudah's Gedolim were determined to utilize the monumental accomplishment of a tzibbur completing Shas on behalf of the six million kedoshim who could no longer learn Torah or celebrate a Siyum on this world. 

The Bluzhever Rebbe, HaRav Yisroel Spiro zt"l, shared personal memories how the kedoshim of the Holocaust were pained that there would be no one to recite Kaddish or learn Torah in their memory. Little did they know that decades later, the growing worldwide movement of learning The Daf would be dedicated in the memory of their pure, holy neshamos. "There can be no greater zikaron; there can be no nicer matzeiva!," the Rebbe cried out. 

Following that historic Siyum Hashas, Daf Yomi learning under The Agudah umbrella has grown by leaps and bounds, cycle after cycle. In the 44 years that passed since that historic Siyum, the majority of Holocaust survivors have passed on to the olam ha'emes, joining their holy relatives under the wings of the Shechina. 

Still, we are still blessed with the presence of many survivors, ad mei'ah v'esrim, including a sizable number who learn the Daf through this day. Over 100,000 yidden worldwide will gather to celebrate the 13th Siyum, be'ezras Hashem.  The tribute to the kedoshim through the learning of The Daf gets more resounding by the day.

Please visit thesiyum.org for information and updates regarding the upcoming Siyum HaShas, or text siyum to 313131. If you would like to join Chavrei HaSiyum or for general inquiries about the Siyum HaShas, email info@thesiyum.org
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