Saturday, July 13, 2019

Fwd: Minneapolis - A Torah Community

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Sat, Jul 13, 2019, 8:45 PM
Subject: Minneapolis - A Torah Community
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A City of Torah and Warmth
Yomam V'Laylah: Minneapolis 

Limud HaTorah's Impact on a Community

The weather during Minnesota winters can be brutally cold, but the achdus of the close knit Minneapolis community and its growing flames of Torah make it a uniquely warm and attractive place to live. 

Misha Wahlstrom has a nightly learning seder in the Minneapolis Community Kollel. "It didn't start that way, of course," he says with a smile, recounting how his initial learning schedule consisted of a single 30 minute seder a week. "I'm a much different person now," he attests. 

In addition to the respected yungerleit of the Kollel, it is the growth – in quantity and quality – of the learning shiurim and sedorim of local businessmen and professionals that has been at the heart of the community's advancement and transformation. 

As in communities worldwide, The Daf is the most common steady limud in Minneapolis, with shiurim and chavrusas prevalent both morning and evening. Rabbi Moshe Weinberg relates how his initial one-on-one chavrusashaft to learn The Daf developed into a lively early morning shiur, with participants and their households experiencing continuous growth. "I can see the difference in the questions they ask," says Rabbi Weinberg. 

Over 100,000 yidden worldwide look forward to celebrating The Siyum together in less than six months under the banner of The Agudah. These include members of nearly 800 kehillos nationwide in which there are shiurim on The Daf under The Agudah banner. Every one of those kehillos, every shiur, can genuinely relate to the observation of Rabbi Chaim Simcha Gibber, Minneapolis Rosh Kollel: "The impact of limud haTorah affected so many people."
Now is the time for all klal Yisroel to join this global movement. Become a mesayem!

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