Monday, September 2, 2019

Aneinu for everyone in path of hurricane and ESPECIALLY those in nursing homes , mobiles homes...

daven for rachamim , Hashem should send the hurricane out to sea.... rachamim.. "Hurricane Dorian nears and some nursing homes don’t have emergency plans, others being evacuated" As Hurricane Dorian moves slowly toward the coast of Florida, 151 nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the state are still awaiting temporary generators that were supposed to be in place by July 1 and 37 have no generators ordered or emergency plans submitted. Some nursing homes that had previously purchased generators said this weekend, as a storm threatened, it was the first time state officials visited their facilities to check on whether their plans were feasible and generators worked. Two years ago, 12 elderly residents suffered heat-related deaths after Hurricane Irma knocked out the air conditioning in their Hollywood nursing home.

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