Sunday, September 1, 2019

Aneinu Please Daven for Special Doctor

Subject: Please daven for Zev ben Shifra ‪Please daven for Zev ben Shifra- Nissim's cardiologist - Dr. Zev Perles- who is unfortunately very sick.  He has left his job at both Hadassah Hospital and Kupat Cholim Meuchedet, and he emailed me last night that he doesn't anticipate returning. Dr. Perles has been extremely dedicated to Nissim's case since day one, and has gone above and beyond the call of duty in his willingness to help us out - whether it meant pushing Nissim in for an appointment even when he was completely booked, or answering my calls or emails whenever I had a question, Dr. Perles was always happy to help.  One summer, Nissim was hospitalized while Dr. Perles was on vacation in Europe- and from afar, Dr. Perles participated "virtually" in meetings with the doctors on call, giving them instruction on how to treat him, and kept calling in to check on his progress. I've seen a special kesher form between Nissim and Dr. Perles over the years- Nissim looks forward to every appointment...and guess who he wanted to dress up as for Purim last year?  (we said he can't have an echo-cardiogram machine though..) He has been a true שליח נאמן and this terrible news has been a huge blow to us.  May Hashem send a complete refuah to Zev ben Shifra, and may he- and we - be zoche to see Nissim continue to grow and progress for many years to come!! Please pass on this email to anyone who would be touched and would have Dr. Perles in mind in their tefillos. Besuros Tovos, Yael & Benzion

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