Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Aneinu Tefillos Requuested for Infant in Israel

From Debbie in Israel:   I received this urgent request from at least 3 different sources. Here is what his mother wrote:  Dear beloved women of my community, I am turning to you in a time of desperate need for tefillot. I know many of you went out last night to the asifat tehillim at the kotel for my baby and I cannot tell you how grateful I am- I believe that those tefillot kept my son alive last night. My son has a viral infection that has greatly affected his heart function. He is basically being kept alive as much as possible as his body fights the infection. Because it’s viral, on one hand it’s something that bezrat Hashem eventually passes and health resumes. On the other hand, because it’s viral they don’t have any direct medication to fight it. Even they are saying, all we have is to pray. I have been here by his side night and day. I am reaching out to you all, holy women of emunah, bitachon, tefilla and maasim tovim, to PLEASE DO ANY CHESSED, TZEDDAKAH AND TEFILLA FOR THE MERIT OF MY SON, TINOK HARACH BEN ESTHER MAZAL. I have never been more scared, and more aware of my dependance on tefilla and Hashem in my life. Knowing you are praying with me means the world to me. Any place you could send his name to that people would daven for him also would be so appreciated. I know Hashem does miracles and I know my son could be one of those miracles. I hope from the bottom of my heart that Hashem performs a miracle for us and that we can all share in the deepest Simcha of his return home soon. With prayer and gratitude, Esther Mayer-Deutsch 

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