Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Fwd: Chag sameach from the Virtual Beit Midrash

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From: Yeshivat Har Etzion <office@etzion.org.il>
Date: Sun, Oct 13, 2019, 12:58 AM
Subject: Chag sameach from the Virtual Beit Midrash
To: <yhe-central@vbm.etzion.org.il>

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Tishrei 5780 / October 2019

The Israel Koschitzky Virtual                                    Beit Midrash of Yeshivat Har Etzion


These shiurim are dedicated in memory of
Mr. David Goldstein z"l.
He will be sorely missed by his loving family
and the entire Alon Shevut community.
Yehi zikhro barukh.


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Real Booths or Clouds of Glory

Harav Yaakov Medan: The Tannaim offer two explanations of the Torah's reason for the mitzva of dwelling in sukkot - that God protected us with the clouds of glory in the desert or that we dwelt in actual booths in the desert. What is the significance of this dispute, and what is emphasized by each view?


Simchat Torah

Harav Baruch Gigi: It is the customary practice in all Jewish communities to complete the annual public Torah reading cycle on Shemini Atzeret, which is the day of Simchat Torah. The origin of this practice is unclear, however. In this shiur, we present an explanation based on the original Torah-reading practice in Eretz Yisrael, when the Torah was completed twice every seven years. 


Building the Sukka

Rav David Brofsky: Must a sukka be built with "intention" (kavana) to be a sukka, or at least to provide shade? Who may build a sukka? What is the sanctity of the sukka and what are its practical ramifications?

simchat torah

Reading Kohelet on Sukkot



Chol HaMoed

sukkot journal

Sukkot Journal

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