Saturday, October 5, 2019

Fwd: Keep on Pedaling - Heroes of the Daf

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From: The Siyum HaShas <>
Date: Sat, Oct 5, 2019, 8:09 PM
Subject: Keep on Pedaling - Heroes of the Daf
To: <>

Heroes of the Daf - Professor Heshie Josephs
Heroes of the Daf: "Keep on Pedaling!" 

Daf on the Bike, Cross Country 

You are over 70 years old, bli ayin hora, riding a bicycle cross country. Fifty miles a day, day after day, for over two weeks. You need to take along some basic necessities: tools, a change of clothes, Tallis and Tefillin…and a Gemara.

When Heshie Josephs of Detroit, an engineering professor at Lawrence Technological University, undertook a solo bicycle ride to Lakewood to benefit the local P'tach organization, he knew that he could not miss learning The Daf even once. The ride was difficult and exhausting; time was limited; and - after all - it was for the purpose of a great mitzvah. 

Still, nothing supersedes the commitment of those who learn The Daf. Professor Josephs loaded his Gemara onto the bicycle – each pound is felt throughout the ride – and made time each day to learn with clarity. 

When over 350,000 yidden worldwide will iy"H celebrate together The Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi, it will be made possible by countless heroes like Professor Josephs. Day in, day out, with no fanfare, these heroes make sure to learn The Daf regardless of the demands of the day in their professions, families, and schedules. 

"Life has bumps in the road… Keep your Gemara with you and just keep on pedaling away!" says Professor Josephs. Indeed…

To take part in this unprecedented experience, please visit to reserve your seats while they are still available. For general information and updates, please visit or text siyum to 313131.
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