Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Aneinu Please Daven Woman in Russian Prison

Please daven for Naama bas Yaffa a young Israeli (26) sentenced to prison in Russia for 7.5 years on an alleged drug charge.  Please daven and say tehillim for a pardon/quick release. (Israel National News): "Naama Issachar has been transfered to a remote prison under poor conditions, her mother cannot visit her or send her letters, Kan reported.  Issachar's lawyer visited her and said that the conditions in the facility where she was staying were now worse and that Naama's mood was poor. Naama's mother, Yaffe Issachar, is trying to bring Naama back to the prison where she was held so far, pending her appeal."  Please daven and say tehillim that she not give up, not despair; that Hashem shower her with the greatest Siyata Dishmaya, and Rachomei Shomayim.

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