Sunday, December 22, 2019

Aneinu Tehillim to say after lighting the Menorah

FROM HAKHEL: 'As to which Kepitilech should be recited after kindling the Neiros Chanukah, there are various Minhagim. Perhaps the most well-known Kepitelach to be recited (in addition to of course Vehi Noam seven times and Yosheiv BeSeiser Elyon (Tehillim 91) seven times) are Kepitelech 19, 30, 33, 67, 100 and 133. Some additionally recite all of Kepitel 119, and all of the Shir HaMa'alos (120-134). When reciting Chapter 67, some recite it as it is published in the form of a Menorah,ahl pi kabbalah. Finally, some recite the powerful Shiras Chana (Shmuel I, 2:1-10). Hakhel Note: The great Rebbi Pinchas Koritzer, Z'tl (the Imrei Pinchas) writes that: "On Chanukah at the time of Hadlakas Neiros the Ohr HaGanuz descends to us...!" Oh, how we should stay close to the Neiros after lighting them! '

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