Sunday, December 1, 2019

Aneinu Ywn Arutzsheva Please Daven Car Crash in Israel

Mother, baby killed in crash identified Town mourns: Mother, baby killed in crash identified Town of Neve Tzuf in mourning after Tzipi Rimmel, 3-week-old daughter Noam Rachel killed in traffic accident. Arutz Sheva Staff, 01/12/19 08:09 Video Player 00:00 | 00:15 זירת התאונה ליד צומת גבעת זאבוידאו:דוברות מד"א The woman and baby who were killed in the traffic accident on Route 433 overnight have been identified as Tzipi Rimmel and her daughter Noam Rachel from Neve Tzuf in West Binyamin. Noam Rachel was just three weeks old Rimmel's husband Ephraim and their son Iti were also severely injured in the crash. Binyamin Council head Yisrael Gantz spent the night at the Jerusalem hospital with the family wounded in the accident at Givat Ze'ev Junction. "It's a difficult morning for the residents of Binyamin. We were informed last night about the severe accident at Givat Ze'ev Junction where Tzipi and Noam Rachel of the Rimmel family were killed, among the pillars of the Neve Tzuf village. "At this difficult time, we're strengthening the .dear family and residents of Neve Tzuf and pray for the recovery of the others injured." As soon as the disaster became known, professionals in the council contacted the family together with the local emergency team in Neve Tzuf. The council said in a statement: "The catastrophe is unimaginable. This is a family full of kindness and good deeds. The entire community is mourning and strengthening the family. We want to pray and extend the kindness today to the family of the father of the family Ephraim Zvi Moshe and the son Iti Yaakov Ben-Zipora who were injured in the accident."“We call on the tzibur to be mispallel for the father and son, Ephraim Tzvi Moshe ben Shulamis Tzivya and their son Itai Yaakov ben Tziporah as they were seriously injured in the accident.”

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