Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Fwd: Join us this Sunday at 12:00 noon EDT to hear Mrs. Shalvie Friedman

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From: OU Women's Initiative <>
Date: Tue, Dec 24, 2019, 7:30 PM
Subject: Join us this Sunday at 12:00 noon EDT to hear Mrs. Shalvie Friedman
To: <>

The OU Women's Initiative

Rosh Chodesh Virtual Lunch 'N Learn - December 29, 2019

You are part of a growing community of women joining together monthly on Rosh Chodesh for inspiration and connection. This Rosh Chodesh is known in our family as "Mrs. Cooperman Shabbos".  Mrs. Cooperman was the Shabbos Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Tevet queen. Rabbi Emmanual Feldman shared in Tradition (1995) that Mrs. Cooperman, devout while not learned, would daven each Shabbos straight through the Siddur.  She would include all the additional holiday and Rosh Chodesh insertions much to the amusement of the Feldman boys.  It was on Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Chanukah that Mrs. Cooperman's simple davening would reflect the actual davening, thus the day merited the title "Mrs. Cooperman's Shabbos".  

But as they grew older, Rabbi Feldman shared how they realized how simple piety and earnest service was actually a sign of a profound connection to Hashem.  Mrs. Cooperman was a model of someone who had a relationship with Hashem and spiritually engaged. 

As Chanukah draws to a close, may each one of us be touched by a sense of deeper spiritual connection and a more profound relationship with Hashem.

I look forward to meeting you virtually and being inspired together. Please join us this Sunday at 12:00 noon EDT/7:00 pm Israel time to hear Mrs. Shalvie Friedman speak about Chodesh Tevet.

Chodesh Tov, 

Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
Director, The Women's Initiative

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