Monday, January 27, 2020

Fwd: We all shared a unique experience

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From: Naftali Miller <>
Date: Mon, Jan 27, 2020, 7:30 PM
Subject: We all shared a unique experience
To: <>

Dear Friends, 
As the feedback from the Siyum continues to roll in, I noticed an interesting trend, despite its massive scale, the Siyum was a very personal experience.  Thousands of people wrote, emailed and called to share their thoughts and reflections on The Siyum, and each had their own specific view. No one moment stood out as THE favorite--people found inspiration in a variety of places.

One letter that comes to mind specifically mentions that it was the silence that enveloped the stadium during Mincha that served as an impetus for the letterwriter to undertake Daf Yomi this cycle. For others it was the dancing, the Zichron Kedoshim tribute, or one of the segments highlighting a precious Jew's unbelievable dedication to Limud Torah. 

While different people may consider different points of the Siyum to be their personal highlight, one thing we can all agree on. For an entire afternoon, Klal Yisroel joined together in unity to celebrate those that finished the previous cycle and to be inspired to take on more Limud Torah. And for that, it was all worth it!

Full video of the 13th Global Siyum HaShas
Full video of the Chicago Siyum HaShas
Full video of the Toronto Siyum HaShas
View of the crowd in Barclay Center
View of the crowd in Cleveland OH
View of the crowd in Dallas TX
View of the crowd in Denver CO
View of the crowd in Houston TX
View of the crowd in London UK
View of the crowd in Los Angeles CA
View of the crowd in Lublin Poland
View of the crowd in fort Lauderdale FL
View of the crowd in Montreal Canada
View of the crowd in Toronto Canada
To view more photos click here
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