Monday, February 10, 2020

FW: Happening NOW! Watch Shas for Shidduchim's Grand Siyum in Action!

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-------- Original message --------
From: The Chicago Chesed Fund <>
Date: 2/10/20 6:30 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Happening NOW! Watch Shas for Shidduchim's Grand Siyum in Action!

Watch Our Grand Siyum HaShas!
Chicago - we did it! We finished the entire Shas, under one roof, in 24 hours. And now we celebrate with a grand Siyum HaShas - happening NOW!

Thanks to your support, we completed the entire Shas in the zchus of Klal Yisroel's singles! Iy"H, we should all merit to partake in many simchos very soon!

Head on over to the Veitzener Kollel to join us. Can't make it? Lucky for you, we're streaming the Siyum LIVE!!!
Following the Siyum, all women are invited to hear Rabbi Lieff deliver short divrei hisorirus at Congregation KINS, 2800 W North Shore at 8:15PM.

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