Thursday, March 12, 2020

Aneinu CORONA DEFENSE: call into ANEINU tehillim every day at 12:15 and 7:30 PM

UNITE WOMEN IN TEFILLAH - for women and girls only -- for all of klal yisrael's needs INCLUDING PROTECTION EVERY DAY ALL CHICAGO TIMES 12:10- 5 minute shiur on tefillah At 12:15 pm , we will read our tehillim  We read again at 7:30 PM The chapters we we say are: 20, 46, 83, 121, 130, 142 and then 100 KAF, MEM VAV, PEY GIMMEL, KUF KAF ALEPH, KUF LAMED, KUF MEM BAIS and then KUF Callin number; 646 558 6338 pin 30671#

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