Saturday, March 28, 2020

FW: Or Menorah - Pesach is coming - Digital OU and CRC Guides and Sell Chometz

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-------- Original message --------
From: 'Or Menorah' via Or Menorah <>
Date: 3/28/20 11:49 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: OrMenorah Google Groups <>
Subject: Or Menorah - Pesach is coming - Chametz Selling Forms attached (instructions below)

Or Menorah

Dear Or Menorah Family,

I hope you all had a healthy and peaceful Shabbat. (My family and I have missed you allot the last few weeks!)

See below for some important Pesach updates. Remember that Pesach is just 1 1/2 weeks away.
Please use the most caution in your preparations, shopping, and plans.


Mechirat Chametz:

While I genuinely would love to see each one of you for selling the Chametz, this year our Mechira will be different.   For Mechirat Chametz 5780 you may either print out the attached form and drop it in an envelope at the shul mail slot or at my home mail slot. A link to the form is also at the bottom of our website,
You can also scan it and email it to
The last day to get these to me is next Sunday April 5th, please. 

(if you or someone in your home is ill please only scan it and send it by email otherwise it is preferable fill out the form and to drop it off in the Shul mail slot or my home mail slot)


- Here is the link for the cRc guide online and the OU guide.  Please note that the cRc has a wonderful and useful website as well, 
that is a great resource for Pesach, and general, questions.

- Here are some very useful Pesach videos from the cRc that might help in one's preparation for Pesach.

·         DIY How to Kasher a Kitchen for Pesach or Year Round , How to Kasher a Kitchen

·         Hag'alah - Kashering with Boiling Water 

We don't know what things will be like during the next few weeks but we pray for the best and for everyone's safety and health!

Shavua Tov!

Rabbi Doug Zelden


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