Sunday, March 29, 2020


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-------- Original message --------
From: Congregation Or Menorah <>
Date: 3/29/20 1:53 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: OrMenorah Google Groups <>

Kehilat Or Menorah                  Laws of Pesach 5780               By,   Rabbi Doug Zelden

Maot Chitim should be given, and appointing the Rabbi to "sell your Chametz" should be taken care of by Tuesday night 4/7/20,
or at the latest by Wednesday morning 4/8/20 before 8:00 AM.
Searching for the Chametz should take place on Tuesday night 4/7/20 after 8:14 PM with a candle, feather, wooden spoon, and paper bag. The Bracha "Al Biur Chametz" and the first "Kol Chamira" are recited. (Have in mind that the bracha counts
for the "burning of the chametz" the next morning.)

All firstborn sons "B'chorim" should fast on Wednesday April 8, 2020 or preferably attend some sort of a siyum to be exempt from continuing the fast.  Chametz should no longer be eaten after 10:17 AM.
The latest time for Burning the Chametz and reciting the second "Kol Chamira" is Wednesday morning 4/8/20 at 11:35 AM.

An Eruv Tavshilin must be made on Wednesday 4/8/20 – Usually by making a hard boiled egg & taking that and a piece of Matzoh and lifting them up and reciting the Bracha "Al Mitzvat Eruv" and the paragraph that follows. This allows Yom Tov cooking for Shabbat also. We eat that Egg & Matzoh on Shaabbat afternoon at lunch or Shaloshudos.

Licht Bentching Schedule:
Wednesday- Erev Pesach 4/8/20:  7:04 PM 
(L'hadlik Ner Shel Yom Tov/Shehecheyanu)
Thursday- Sheni   4/9/20:   after 8:07 PM  (L'hadlik Ner Shel Yom Tov/Shehecheyanu) (from existing flame)
Friday- (Erev-Shabbat) 4/10/20: 7:07 PM  (L'hadlik Ner Shel Sahbbat) (from existing flame)
Saturday- Shabbat Chol Hamoed  4/11/20: Shir Hashirim is recited on Shabbat.  Havdallah after 8:15 PM 
Tuesday- Erev Shevi'i   4/14/20:  7:11 PM 
(L'hadlik Ner Shel Yom)
Wednesday- Acharon 4/15/20:  after 8:14 PM  (L'hadlik Ner Shel Yom Tov) (from existing flame)
(Yizkor is recited on Thursday Morning 4/16/20.   Havdallah only over a cup of wine on Thursday night after 8:19 PM )

The Sederim should not begin until after 8:07 PM. No preparation for the second seder should begin until after candle lighting time for that evening. Hand or Machine Shmurah Matzoh must be used at the seder, and it is preferable to use Romaine Lettuce and
ground horseradish for Marror, so you don't get ill from eating the 1.1 ounces of horseradish needed by itself at each seder.
Zman Afikoman is before 12:52 AM at each Seder. We begin counting the Omer the second night of Pesach.

All through Pesach we add "Ya'aleh V'yavo" in the Amidah and in the Birkat Hamazon.
We no longer say "Mashiv Haruach U'morid Hagashem" beginning with Mincha on the first day of Pesach.
If we say it by accident, we must repeat the Amidah, and omit "Mashiv Haruach". (Some replace it with "Morid Hatal")

Some laws of Chol Hamoed Pesach:
-All Kosher L'Pesach rules apply.
-Beginning on Chol Hamoed we replace "Tal U'matar" with "V'ten Bracha" during "Barech Alenu" in the Amidah.
-Those who wear Tfillin, usually do so without a Bracha. On the first day of Chol Hamoed, many wear the Tfillin
until after the third Aliyah in the Torah reading (
since it includes the mitzvah of Tfillin), and on the other days they are removed before Hallel.
-Clothing generally should not be sewn.
-Washing clothes should be avoided, except for things that run out like socks, nor should one use dry cleaners.
-Writing should be kept to a minimum or avoided (If needed with a Shinui). Try to pay bills before the holiday starts.
-Haircuts are forbidden. (Everyone should try to take a haircut before Pesach because of the Omer.) 
-Shaving is forbidden unless it would put your job in jeopardy.


+If you have not sold your Chametz already please fill out the following sheet and return it to the Rabbi's home by Sunday night before Pesach:


I, THE UNDERSIGNED, EMPOWER AND PERMIT Rabbi Doug (Dov) Zelden to act in my place and stead, as my agent, to sell all chametz (Leaven), and all products containing even the smallest percentage of chametz possessed by me, before Passover, as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic law, and to lease all designated places wherein the above mentioned products may be found, especially in the premises located at:
Full Name:_________________________________       
Full Address_____________________________________________________________________________                                                                                                    
Work Address where Chametz is to be sold:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________          

Rabbi Doug Zelden has the full right as my agent to sell or appoint an agent on his behalf to sell and to lease the above by such transactions as he deems fit and proper for such time as he chooses. The authority which is hereby given is meant to be in conformity with the Torah and Rabbinic laws and regulations, and also be in acceptance with the law of the State of Illinois and of the United States of America.To this I do hereby affix my signature on this Date___________ ___, 2020               
Signature______________________________________________________________________                                  Area code & Phone number __________________________

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