Sunday, March 29, 2020

FW: Tonight. Farbrengen

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-------- Original message --------
From: The Bellows Center - FREE of Chicago <>
Date: 3/29/20 4:10 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Tonight. Farbrengen

Zoom Farbrengen tonight.
Being that we couldn't Farbreng Shabbos we will be having our weekly Farbrengen via ZOOM tonight at 9:00pm

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Meeting ID: 605 031 538
Password: 492208

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F.R.E.E.'s Shiurim this week

You are invited to the following video Shiurim Via ZOOM or the call-in option Every evening at 9pm.

Sunday, TONIGHT 9:00pm Farbrengen 

Monday, 9:00pm Maamar for Yud Aleph Nissan with Rabbi Moshe Miller

Tuesday, 9:00pm Divrie Torah for your Sedorim from צהר לתיבה followed by "Rabbi Akiva Eiger and the horrific Bubonic Plague of 1791. 
 with Rabbi Moshe Moscowitz

Wednesday, 9:00pm Likutei Sichos with Rabbi Yehuda Kovacs

Thursday, 9:00pm Likutie Torah with Rabbi Moshe Laber.

This is in addition to the ongoing Shiurm with Rabbi Levi Notik every weekday morning at 10:15 am and evening 7:15pm, for classes on Parsha, Chasidus, and Halacha. Streamed live on  Facebook and YouTube. Participants are able to comment and ask questions in real time. There is also a Chasidisheh bedtime story every evening. 

We express our gratitude to each of the presenters for making themselves available and teaching. May Hashem protect and bentch you and your families together all of Klal Yisroel.   

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 605 031 538
Password: 492208

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