Thursday, March 26, 2020

Fwd: 3 Reasons to Give Today

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From: Rabbi Yosef B. Friedman <>
Date: Thu, Mar 26, 2020, 8:40 PM
Subject: 3 Reasons to Give Today
To: <>

An Important Time To Donate

Dear Kehot Friend,

During these difficult and trying times, we look for spiritual ways and means that help energize us amidst the chaos, and at the same time serve as good omens to bring us all safely out of reach of this invisible enemy.

Here are three convergent reasons why I reach out to you today with a heartfelt plea to help us in our work and donate to our holy cause.

Throughout our history, situations like the one we find ourselves in today were countered, by instruction of our Sages, by and an increase in our charity giving.

Rabbi Yehuda Leib Hakohen was one of the two sages who penned an approbation to Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi's Tanya. He declared about this foundational work of Chasidism: The Tanya is ketoret (incense) for all spiritual plagues. 

Today, the 2nd of Nissan, marks the 100 anniversary of the passing of the fifth Rebbe, Rabbi Shalom DovBer Schneersohn, of blessed memory. He was known as the Maimonides of Chabad Chasidism.

I encourage you to visit our website and donate towards the publishing of two texts waiting to go on press. 

Please donate today, and may the merit of publishing these works bring you all the copious blessings from Above.

We thank you for your past and current generosity and participation.

With all good wishes,
Rabbi Yosef B. Friedman

In the words of the Rebbe...

"One who contributes from his wealth for the purpose of writing or publishing a book of a tzaddik --

Behold, at any given time, and in any corner of the world, that a person studies from this book, the tzaddik on high evokes merit on behalf of the donor through whom the book was disseminated."

--The Rebbe (Igrot Kodesh, vol 2)

Kehot Publication Society, 291 Kingston Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11213

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