Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Fwd: {Be'er Mayim Chaim} Fwd: Letter by Rav Yissocher Dov Rokeach of Belz regarding CoronaVirus Covid 19 2020

Subject: Letter by Rav Yissocher Dov Rokeach of Belz regarding
CoronaVirus Covid

Letter by Rav Yissocher Dov Rokeach of Belz
In light of the matzav
To my brothers and friends I have been asked in light of our situation
of uncertainty regarding the contagious disease which is spreading
globally as a pandemic all over the world may G-d protect us and save
us from harm and may we not hear any bad news in the homes of Bnei
Yisroel and many people wish to know what does Hashem ask of us during
these times and so I wish to cite a few examples from our rabbinic
sources as follows
It is well known from Chazal Pesachim 117a that the Shechina only
rests upon us when we are happy and joyful simcha shel mitzvah and
therefore we have an obligation on each and every one of us to
increase our avodas Hashem with simcha and joy and all the more so to
distance ourselves from sadness and depression heaven forbid because
sadness and depression are the mothers of all forms of sickness may
G-d have mercy.
We must fulfill the statement of the pasuk Tehillim 100 2-3 serve
Hashem with simchah and joy come before Him in song and then we merit
the next pasuk Know that Hashem is G-d He made us and we are His and
then we merit that all harsh judgments are sweetened and it will save
us from all pain and suffering and from all danger and calamity
affliction and sickness as is explained at length in the holy writings
in the name of the Holy Baal Shem Tov may bis merit shield us that at
the times a person recognizes that Hashem is hidden behind it all
behind the scenes then this ends the hiding and all evil departs.
In the holy sefer Noam Elimelech (VaEira sv O Yomar) it says that the
rule is that when a person wishes to overcome and defeat the forces of
evil and darkness known as the klippos the husks and shells of
impurity, he needs to be be'simchah happy and joyous, because when you
are happy then there can be no sadness or depression because when one
rises up the other falls down."
Similarly the holy Berditchever Rav in his sefer Kedushas Levi writes
(VaYeitze sv VaYar veHinei Be'er) It is known that Hashem desires
always to bless us with an abundance of shefa and a bounty of
blessings and to do favors and kindness for Bnei Yisroel, however the
evil forces of the other side the sitra achra hold pack and prevent
the shefa from flowing down. However during times when Bnei Yisroel
awaken themselves with simchah and joy then this simcha and happiness
pushes back the outsiders the forces of darkness called chitzonim and
stops them from preventing the flow of shefa and its influx of
blessings and abundance. Then Hashem in His abundant mercy and
kindness can bless us with shefa beracha unto His people and Nation of
It is written in the sefer Divrei Emes by the holy Chozeh or Seer of
Lublin (Terumah sv LeRosh Parshah) "the truth is that when harsh
judgments are sweetened simcha happiness and joy flow down and by
being be'simchah in the blessed Creator this sweetens the judgments."
This matter is further elaborated and elucidated in the holy seforim
at length that all sicknesses and maladies come when the attribute of
judgment is stretched out over us and this is because the pipelines of
blessing have been broken and are in need of repair.
The remedy for this is as we explained above, to awaken us down here
below to expand and add to our avodas Hashem with Torah and Tefillah
with joyous happy hearts full of simchah.
By doing so we will merit that Hashem will send us shefa and abundant
blessings from an awakening from above, an abundance of goodness and
favor, loving kindness in an open revealed manner and we shall merit
to be protected, and saved from all evil.
And especially now during these times when all our children are at
home the obligation and duty is upon all parents to be more careful
with patience and happiness as it says in the early sefer the Orech
Yamim by Rav Shmuel Benveniste cited by Shevet Mussar Chap 17 "know
that everywhere we find the attribute of angry and fury in such places
we find the forces of destruction and harm waiting to do harm
May Hashem save us from all evil, especially during a time of plague
when many forces of destruction are present, at such times, a blow
given in anger (such as when a parent strikes his child in anger
[rather than in a responsible manner to educate etc] ) then the blow
of the plague latches unto and contagion spreads to that blow and
strikes, I witnessed this with my very own eyes."
Therefore the best advice how to achieve being be'simchah how can we
acquire happiness and joy?
Is by meditating on the greatness of the Creator blessed is He Who did
does and will do all things and is in total control of all matters
when there is fear it comes only to awaken within us true inner fear
of Heaven from Hashem and to remember that Ain Od Milvado there really
and truly is nothing and no one besides Hashem know this with mind and
heart and remember it, strengthen your emunah and faith in the Rock
and Redeemer and trust in Him.
Always remember that everything in this world is based on Hashgacha
Pratis personally Divine plans and providence and that hashem is my
refuge to Him I flee at times of need I call out to Him and fear not,
when you conduct yourself in such a manner nothing should worry you or
cause fear or panic at all.
I ask and plead with each and every one of you to strengthen
yourselves with davening and Torah study and to add and increase acts
of loving kindness and charity tzedaka and chessed especially the
mitzvah of supporting the needy who during these times are left
without sustenance livelihood and basic needs especially the upcoming
Passover holiday and to support them generously. Please recite each
day the prayer of psalms Tehillim LaMenatzeyach before Elokai Netzor
at the conclusion of the silent amida as it says in Kaf haChaim Siman
121:6 in the name of the Arizal.
As we come to Nissan when the letters of Hashem are straightforward
and come from the acronym formed of roshei teyvos "let the havens and
earth rejoice with happiness," ישמחו השמים ותגל הארץ" and it is a
month of simple and true mercy as we said in the poetic liturgy of
yotzros parshas hachodesh "the month surrounded by salvations and
yeshuos makifos"
I bless you all that we merit together health in body and spirit,
strength, long life and good years full speedy recovery to the sick
worldwide and a good income and livelihood with no lack, to raise your
children to Torah fear of heaven, chuppah and good deeds and to
celebrate the upcoming festival of matzos in a kosher happy manner
with a calm spirit and settled mind with a happy joyful heart and all
needs met Amen Selah forevermore
He who prays for you all for the best good, Yissocher Dov


Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim Publishing
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
in Israel: 972-58-322-1218 (sorry no sms)
If I am in the USA 516-388-8814 ( sms yes)
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