Monday, March 9, 2020

Fwd: Halachic and Practical Guidance for Megillah Readings

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From: Orthodox Union <>
Date: Mon, Mar 9, 2020, 12:26 PM
Subject: Halachic and Practical Guidance for Megillah Readings
To: <>     

Halachic and Practical Guidance for Megillah Readings

Please note the following guidance that is generally applicable.  We encourage each person to consult their local rabbi.  Individual communities experiencing an outbreak may need to act differently, and all communities need to keep abreast of the guidance provided by their local and state health departments.
It is critical to note that it is our recommendation, and - as we understand it - the recommendation of health departments generally, that healthy individuals attend public Megillah readings as usual.   
As we have been instructed by medical and public health experts, the best way to prevent spread of disease is not to keep the well at home, but rather to keep the ill out of public spaces.
Who should stay away from shul on Purim?  Although in different manners, both those who are ill and those who are considered high-risk should they contract illness.   

As such:  Anyone with symptoms of illness, including fever, cough, stomach bug or other sickness, should refrain from coming to shul or other public places and gatherings. This is true even for the reading of Megillah.  If you have doubts, please err on the side of staying home. And if you have such symptoms, please call your doctor before going to the medical office for treatment.  Individuals with such symptoms likely need to be in isolation. Likewise, anyone who had meaningful exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 must also maintain isolation.  
On the other hand, the elderly and those with underlying medical issues such as chronic lung problems, the immunocompromised (due to chemotherapy or other immune-modifying medications), and insulin-dependent diabetics who appear to be at greater risk of complications from COVID-19, should discuss their individual medical situation with their provider prior to attending, especially if they have multiple risk factors listed above.  As a rule, these individuals do not need to be in isolation; they may simply need to avoid large crowds.
Those who should not be coming to shul but do not need to be in isolation, should ideally take part in a private Megillah reading.  As in past years, rabbis and communities across the country will do their very best to provide this service to members of their community.  
For those who need to be in isolation due to COVID-19, the following Halachic guidance is based on the ruling issued for our communities by Rav Hershel Schachter, שליט״א.
The clear majority of Halachic authorities do not consider Halachically adequate a Megillah reading heard over the phone or online.  There is however a minority opinion that does allow for this, provided that the reading is live, and not pre-recorded.  Following the Halachic principle that we may rely upon minority opinions under extenuating circumstances – שעת הדחק כדיעבד דמי וכדאי הוא ר״ש לסמוך עליו בשעת הדחק - this minority opinion can be relied upon for those who are in mandated isolation. 
IMPORTANT: Even for those in isolation, the ideal solution is to have a kosher, hand-written Megillah in hand which they read from audibly, either on their own (even without the correct טעמי המקרא, cantillation), or assisted by a reading heard by phone or on-line.  In such situations – as in all situations where there is no Minyan present – the closing Bracha following Megillah reading is not recited.  

To summarize:

  • Generally healthy individuals should attend public Megillah readings as usual, where the community is exercising the proper precautions.
  • Those who are not currently ill but are not attending a public reading because they are deemed high risk, should reach out to their Rabbi and community to help arrange a private Megillah reading.
  • Those who are ill or have had serious exposure and must remain in isolation must not come to shul.  They should ideally have a kosher, hand-written Megillah in hand from which they read audibly, either on their own or assisted by a reading heard electronically.
  • Those who must be in isolation but are unable to read from a kosher, hand-written Megillah, may fulfill their obligation via hearing a live Megillah reading, by phone or online. 
  • As a community service, we are providing links to Megillah Readings in each North American time zone that can be accessed by those who are affected by this quarantine.   

As a community service, we are providing links to Megillah Readings in each North American time zone that can be accessed by those who are affected by this quarantine.  

Night Reading:
Eastern Time Zone Link -  Click
Here 7:40pm EDT
Mountain Time Zone -7:30 pm 1 (304) 948-5320, Password 386-6526 
West Coast Link - Click
Here Times : 7:40pm Pacific
Morning Reading:

6:40am Mountain – 8:40am Eastern  +1 (304) 948-5320, Password 386-6526
9:00am Mountain – 11:00am Eastern +1 (304) 948-5320, Password 386-6526
9:00am Pacific – Noon Eastern Click

We hope and pray that our community and all the world be spared from any harm and any further upheaval, and that all those currently affected be granted a full and speedy recovery. 

Warm wishes for a happy and meaningful Purim.

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