Sunday, April 26, 2020

FW: PLEASE DAVEN: Aharon ben Chaya is undergoing surgery

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note10+.

-------- Original message --------
From: Chesed Forever <>
Date: 4/26/20 7:01 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: PLEASE DAVEN: Aharon ben Chaya is undergoing surgery


PLEASE DAVEN: Aharon ben Chaya is undergoing surgery

UPDATE: Aharon is undergoing surgery to remove his brain tumor on Sunday. Please daven as hard as you can for Aharon ben Chaya.

Hello, my name is Shmuel Avramsky.

You may remember my son, Aharon, who was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma. Thank G-d, after a long and exhausting year of endless treatments Aharon went into remission and began to recover. We let out a sigh of relief and hoped that he would now be healthy – but it was not to be.

Aharon is now almost 7 years old and the doctors have now found a cancerous growth in his brain. Aharon needs urgent treatment, once again, to save his life. The treatment is not covered by our insurance and costs money that we just don't have. Any savings or extra funds we could find have already been exhausted fighting cancer for a year.

Now, because of the coronavirus, my wife and I are unable to work. We barely leave the house for fear of infecting Aharon with the virus which would be deadly for him, chas v'shalom. Our financial situation deteriorates from day to day, and paying for food & rent seems impossible.

Click here to help.

The expenses of treatment are crushing, and we have no way to pay for them, but somehow we must. We must save Aharon's life, and I am begging you to join us. To save my child who barely has had a chance to live, to experience a normal childhood.

Please save Aharon. Please.

Thank you,


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