Sunday, April 19, 2020

FW: Zoom Farbrengen tonight. This week's schedule

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-------- Original message --------
From: Rabbi Levi Notik <>
Date: 4/19/20 2:46 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Zoom Farbrengen tonight. This week's schedule

You are invited to a ZOOM Farbrengen 9:00pm tonight.

Join us in honor of Shabbos Mevorchim Iyar and the auspicious days ahead.
Also below you will find a full schedule of this week's online learning opportunities.

Meeting ID: 966 4191 3044 Password: 770770

One tap mobile +13126266799,,96641913044#,,#,770770# US (Chicago)

F.R.E.E.' schedule of daily morning and evening classes.

Daily on YouTube& FaceBook

10:15am – Parsha & Chasidus (YouTube& FB)
7:40pm – Practical Halacha – this week, laws of Sefira and Laws of  Shabbos (YouTube& FB)

Nightly 9:00pm on ZOOM or the call-in option every evening at 9pm.

Sunday, 9:00pm Farbrengen

Monday, 9:00pm Learning (Details to follow)

Tuesday, 9:00pm Maamar Chasidus with Rabbi Moshe Miller

Wednesday, 9:00pm Parsha Shiur from צהר לתיבה with Rabbi Moshe Moscowitz

Thursday, 9:00pm Likutie Torah with Rabbi Moshe Laber.

This is in adition
(YouTube& FB)
10:15am – Parsha & Chasidus (YouTube& FB)
7:40pm – Practical Halacha – this week, laws of Sefira and Laws of  Shabbos (YouTube& FB)
8:30pm – Chasidic Bed Time Story (& FB)


We express our gratitude to each of the presenters for making themselves available and teaching. May Hashem protect and bentch you and your families together all of Klal Yisroel.   

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 966 4191 3044 Password: 770770

One tap mobile  +13126266799,,96641913044#,,#,770770# US (Chicago) to buy a letter in this special Torah

If you would like to join the F.R.E.E. WhatsApp Broadcast list (not a group) add 773-274-5123 to your phone and send a message ADD.

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