Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Fwd: Counting Toward Sinai, Bearing Witness to History: OU Today

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From: Orthodox Union <>
Date: Wed, Apr 22, 2020, 9:44 AM
Subject: Counting Toward Sinai, Bearing Witness to History: OU Today
To: <>

OU Today
Counting to Sinai
presented by OU's Women's Initiative
Counting Toward Sinai
Check out the full list of Counting Toward Sinai speakers. 49 women sharing a short perspective on Tefillah each day.

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Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau: Bearing Witness to History
Thousands joined Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, former Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Israel and youngest survivor of the Buchenwald concentration camp, as he shared memories of the past and resolution for the present and future on Yom HaShoah. In partnership with Chazaq and Torah Anytime.

Watch it here
presented by Teach NYS
NYC to Offer Free Kosher Meals for All Students and Adults
Teach NYS, a project of the Orthodox Union, commended the NYC's Dept. of Education for moving to offer kosher and halal options during all three daily "grab and go" meal pick-ups. Teach NYS – along with UJA Federation of New York and The Jewish Education Project – began their advocacy for kosher and halal food options upon learning in March that meals for people with religious dietary restrictions were not available during the citywide school closure.

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Join Us for a Daily Tehillim and Chizuk Call
1 PM EDT - Sunday-Friday - 773-377-9170 or 480-210-2150
Today's featured speaker: Rabbi Yaakov Fisch of Etz Chaim Synagogue in Jacksonville, Florida
View text of tehillim with English translation
Thank you to the sponsors of today's call - see a list of sponsors below. To sponsor the Daily Tehillim and Chizuk calls, please visit The deadline to submit sponsorships for the daily call is 5:00 PM EDT of the evening before and for Saturday night's at midnight EDT. To access previous Daily Tehillim and Chizuk Call audio files, please click here.
It is valuable to daven (pray) for specific cholim (people who are sick) by name. There are a number of lists available of those who need our tefillot (prayers). Please click here to access.

       View all of today's OU programs


SPIRIT Retiree Programs

Thursday, April 23 at 11:00 AM EDT
Compassion & Consolation: Mourning Alone Together with Reva Judas, Director, Nechama Comfort.

Sign up now

presented by the OU Women's initiative
Rosh Chodesh Virtual Lunch and Learn

Thursday, April 23 at 12:00 Noon EDT
Join us as Mrs. Leah Silver shares thoughts and ideas about Chodesh Iyar.


Other Resources
presented by Jewish Action
The "Survivors' Talmud" and the Obligation to Remember

Special for Yom Hashoah from the Spring edition of Jewish Action: OU Executive Vice President Allen Fagin reflects on the Survivors' Talmud, "a remarkable testament to the enduring emunah of the few who survived Churban Europa."

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presented by OU Torah InitiativES
Eis L'Kol Neshama

Time4Mishna has created a unique program designed for the unfortunate predicament Aveilim find themselves in today. Many who pass away don't have Mishnayos being studied for their Neshamos due to the lack of personal Shiva visits. Just by signing up for your Mishna learning, you'll receive an alert to study the Mishna for someone who, tragically, has passed COVID-19, enabling Shisha Sidrei Mishna to be completed by Klal Yisrael together.

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presented by OU-JLIC
Don't Just Count the Days; Make the Days Count

Join Rabbi Yonatan Hirschhorn, OU-JLIC Torah Educator at University of Maryland, for a daily Sefirat HaOmer WhatsApp. Get a short vort on the sefira of the day plus a daily adovah related to that sefira.

Join the WhatsApp group

presented by Yachad
Yachad on Demand

If you can't get to us, we're coming to you! Yachad on Demand offers our community a variety of social and educational programs every day from all across the globe. Yachad's virtual activities foster meaningful connections for individuals with special needs and their families.

Find out more

presented by Jewish Action
Responsa from the Holocaust

In commemoration of Yom HaShoah, we recall some of the halachic dilemmas faced by Jews in the Kovno Ghetto. Led by Rabbi Ephraim Oshry, these Jews were determined to live by Jewish law despite the inhuman, horrifying conditions.

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presented by Jewish action
Davening at Home in front of Pictures, Mirrors or Reflective Surfaces

With shul doors still shut, see Ari Zivotofsky's discussion on the ideal davening environment.

Read More

presented by OU Torah initiatives
The Institution of Kiddush in Shul on Friday Night

As we look toward a time when going to shul is again the norm- all at the right and safe time- this shiur, given in memory of Rabbi Genack's mother, Rosa Shoshana bat Dov-Ber, z"l, on her 29th Yahrtzeit, highlights a custom of old and analyzes its roots.

Watch Now

Today's Sponsors

Thank you to the generous sponsors of today's 1PM Tehillim/chizuk call:

Ellyse and Tibi Schwartz in memory of Meir ben Reuven Melech, Aaron ben Yaakov Shalom, and Leah bas Yitzhak, and in honor of Ellyse's mother, Mrs. Selma Gordon- for the zechus to live for many years in good health. 

Seymour and Mindy Liebman in the zechus for a refuah sheleima for Shifra bat Miriam.
Anonymous, in the merit of a refuah sheleima for all those afflicted by the Coronavirus, and for the refuah sheleima of Chaya Shira bat Chana.

Ronnie and Jennifer Herrmann for a refuah sheleima for all those in need.

Pnina & Jacob Graff, in honor of the birthday of our son Meir Graff on 10 Nissan, in honor of the birthday of our grandson Chaim Portnoy on 11 Nissan, in honor of the birthday of our grandson Meir Blum on 13 Nissan, and in honor of the birthday of our granddaughter Renee Kushnir on 19 Nissan.

Anonymous, in the merit of  Hashem granting a refuah sheleima to all who need it!


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