Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Wed, Apr 1, 2020, 11:40 AM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel
To: <>

Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
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News from the Agudah:

  • Please see below for a thank you that we sent out yesterday to first responders, medical personnel, and all the other people who are keeping things running during quarantine. Feel free to pass it along yourself! They deserve our everlasting appreciation.

  • For New York State residents: To provide an overview of some of the available options for federal and state temporary financial assistance programs, Agudath Israel New York office has consulted with a team of professionals and volunteers from around the country to provide detailed guidance on these changes and will continue to provide additional information as this evolves. We have set up a dedicated email address for any inquiries you may have. Please email and we will do our best to answer you or refer you to one of our experts. (Of course, final decisions should be made after also consulting your tax professionals, legal counsel and financial professionals.)

  • There are many ways that your business can partner with the government to help with the COVID-19 response.  To sell medical supplies or equipment to the federal government, please email specifics to If you are a private company that wants to produce a product related to the COVID response, you can email For non-medical supplies, services or equipment, visit the Industry Liaison Program if you are interested in doing business with FEMA.

  • Please daven for HaRav Label Katz, Aryeh Leib ben Chaya Sorah, Rav, Mora da'asra, Khal Zichron Yosef, b'soch shaar cholei Yisroel. The Rav is in critical condition, and in need of rachmei Shamayim.

  • Our virtual Yarchei Kallah continues today - with shiurim from Rabbi Pinchos Friedman and Rabbi Shraga Kallus, at now and at 4:00 EDT, respectively. Full details and mareh mekomos below, or click here. In case you missed yesterday's shiurim, you can listen to the recordings here.

  • Our live Pesach preparation shiurim continue tonight - see below for tonight's speakers and topic, and make sure that you're using the new call-in number. Details also here, including schedule and speakers.

  • Please complete the 2020 Census, which you should have received in the mail by now. You can also fill out the census on, or by calling 1-844-330-2020. Funding for your community is directly impacted by census information! For more information, please visit our website here.

  • In response to the financial hardships brought upon by the Coronavirus, Agudath Israel's SBCO division has set up an emergency mortgage hotline to assist you with all mortgage and other bank loan matters. Please call the hotline at 718-435-1300 extension 120. Leave a clear message as prompted, and a SBCO Counselor will return your call as soon as possible.

  • The Masmidei Hasiyum Hasmodah Campaign has inspired over 20,000 boys from over 100 schools. These incredible boys have collectively learned for 250,000 minutes, or 4,167 hours in just two weeks. We wish all of those involved in the Masmidei HaSiyum program continued success, including in the special Chol HaMoed program which will give them double points! Kids, keep up the great work and continue learning!

  • And, finally, in case your son was not one of the 4,132 callers listening to 74,108 minutes of content this Monday alone on the Pirchei hotline, here is the number again: 718-663-0212.

Thank You to All Those who are Heroically Working Through This Crisis...
Virtual Yarchei Kallah Program
The Agudah is hosting an inspiring virtual Yarchei Kallah this week, with shiurim from world-renowned English speaking Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim from Eretz Yisroel. Every day there will be a hachanah shiur, a chazarah shiur, a shiur klali, and a shiur halacha l'maaseh covering the sugya of Leil Haseder. Call in at 646-558-8656 with PIN 876513892, or click here for zoom. You can see all the information you need about the Yarchei Kallah, including mareh mekomos and the full schedule, by clicking here.
Pre-Pesach Inspiration and Guidance

This year's Pre-Pesach shiurim continue tonight - Rabbi Chaim Schabes will be speaking at 10:00 PM EDT in English, and Rabbi Alexander Rechnitzer will be speaking at 10:30 PM EDT in Yiddish.

Note the new call-in number: 929-219-1197.
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