Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel

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From: Agudath Israel of America <news@agudah.org>
Date: Tue, Apr 14, 2020, 8:45 AM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

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News from the Agudah:

  • The Yarchei Kallah Chol HaMoed extension is continuing, in the sugya of Sefiras HaOmer. Hachanah shiur begins now, at 9:45 am EDT, followed by Rabbi Shraga Kallus at 10:30 am EDT (note: an hour earlier than previous days!). See below for full schedule and call in/log in information. The Yarchei Kallah program is being held l'zeicher nishmas R' Yaakov ben R' Nachum Mordechai, the Novominsker Rebbe.

  • Many of you have been emailing about the recordings from the Yarchei Kallah - please know that they have been recorded, but due to Chol HaMoed it's taking us longer than usual to get them up on the website. We will iyH send out the link to the videos once they become available.

  • Many of you have also been emailing about the sefer from Rabbi Asher Weiss which he mentioned in his shiur on Sunday. The same applies - we will let you know as soon as it's on the website and available to download. We're sorry it's taking longer than usual!

  • Irgun Shiurei Torah is presenting a shiur tomorrow given by a member of Agudah's Vaad HaRabbanim, Rabbi Asher Eckstein, on the topic of she'hiyah and chazarah, as pertaining to the current daf yomi sugyos. If you'd like to listen today at 1:00 pm EDT, you can call 646-558-8656 using login 970 1889 8417#, or click here to use Zoom.

  • Today is the last day of Pirchei's Special Chol HaMoed Hasmadah program. Today's featured storyteller is Rabbi Fishel Schachter! 12 noon, EDT - make sure your son calls in at 425-436-6277, using PIN number 405736#. Details below.

  • Don't forget that your daughters can call the Bnos Hotline! The number, in case your daughter doesn't have it yet, is 720-721-4724. 

  • There have been a number of anti-Semitic incidents recently, and the Agudah released a short statement about these regrettable events - see below.

This is our last update before Yom Tov - may we all enjoy Yom Tov in health and happiness, and may we hear besoros tovos!
Chol HaMoed Yarchei Kallah:
Beginning Shortly!
With the learning and growth of the past weeks invigorating us, we are delighted to announce an additional extension to our program for this Chol Hamoed. This coming Sunday through Tuesday, world renowned Maggidei Shiur will be learning with us on Hilchos and Inyanei Sefiras Haomer. 

Harav Shraga Kallus will be speaking today at 10:30 AM EDT. 

These special Chol HoMoed Yarchei Kallah are l'zeicher nishmas R' Yaakov ben R' Nochum Mordechai, ZTVK"L, the Novominsker Rebbe, Rosh Agudas Yisroel. 

Over the past weeks we have strengthened ourselves in seeing the light of Torah shine on in these dark days. If you haven't participated thus far, now is the time. This Chol Hamoed, use the enforced isolation for a greater purpose. Use the time to give yourself and Klal Yisroel some much needed chizuk in Torah and Avodas Hashem. 

To connect via zoom click here, or call 646-558-8656 login #: 876 513 892   
Pirchei's Yeshivas Chol HaMoed:
Continues Today!
See above (or click here) for the details for this Pesach's extra special Yeshivas Chol HaMoed! Today's special call-in session is to listen to a story by Rabbi Fishel Schachter. Your son will love it!

Learning starts at 11:15 am EDT - learn until 12:00 noon EDT, and then call in at 425-436-6277, using PIN number 405736# for a special story from Rabbi Schachter. Your son can send in his name after Yom Tov, and be entered in a special raffle!
Hatred of Jews Deserves our Condemnation
Over recent weeks and days, anti-Semitic graffiti has been scrawled on the facades of a number of buildings and walls across the country: A Chabad Center in Brookline, Massachusetts, a private structure in nearby Bedford; a park wall in Ames, Iowa; a public school in Toronto; a shul in Los Angeles; and, most recently, a Conservative congregation and a Chabad Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

Such vile demonstrations of hatred for Jews are nothing new. But they deserve our disgust and condemnation all the same.

And they have it.
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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