Friday, April 24, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel

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Date: Fri, Apr 24, 2020, 2:26 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel
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News from the Agudah:

  • This Tuesday, 4 Iyar, April 28, Agudath Israel of America will be hosting an Azkarah in memory of the Novominsker Rebbe, HaRav Yaakov Perlow Z''TVKL, Rosh Agudas Yisroel, at 7:30 pm EDT.  Please see below for more information. 

  • Our executive director, Rabbi Labish Becker, has written a moving piece about the Novominsker Rebbe ZT"L that we would like to share with you. Rabbi Becker has known the Rebbe since he was a little boy, and he shares his unique perspective on the Rebbe in the article below.

  • Mazel tov to all the lomdei hadaf on finishing the first four perakim of Maseches Shabbos! The fifth perek begins on Sunday, April 26th. For those who would like to start Daf Yomi, you can visit for a list of helpful Daf Yomi resources. See below for a mazel tov from the Daf Yomi Commission and Ki Heim Chayeinu.
  • One of the many hardships that people with family members in the hospital due to coronavirus are facing is the lack of information that the patients' families are getting from the hospital. Chayim Aruchim has worked with Lenox Hill Hospital to hire a liaison to convey information to the patient's family so that they're not left in the dark. Please see below for the story.

  • We've said this before and we're happy to say this again! We thought that the Yarchei Kallah would conclude yesterday, but, due to the demand and the continuing stay-at-home schedule most of us are facing, we're pleased to announce that the virtual Yarchei Kallah program will be continuing next week on Inyanei Tefilah. Please see below for Sunday's schedule.

  • The Klal Yisroel Helping Klal Yisroel campaign has, baruch Hashem, been able to distribute money to hundreds of people in need thanks to your generous contributions. Please see below for some comments that we received from those who benefited from this fund. We can still use your help in this campaign! You can donate by clicking here.

  • Your sons will enjoy this week's Pirchei newsletters. Click here to view and download the Pirchei pages and here to view and download the Pirchei weekly.

  • This Sunday, April 26, join the PCS/FDU Master's in accounting open house from your home! With a 96% placement Rate, PCS/Agudath Israel has relationships with hundreds of top tier firms, where graduates have been placed since 2005. The FDU MS in Accounting Program has been ranked by Eduniversal as one of the top Masters in Accounting programs in the United States. The remote open house is this Sunday at 7:30 PM. To get the link or conference number, send an email to For more information about the men's program, call 732-905-9700 x 665 or email For more information about the women's program, call 732-367-1500  or  email

Have a wonderful, safe, and health Shabbos and Chodesh!
Azkarah in Memory of Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, the Novominsker Rebbe ZTVK"L
This Tuesday, 4 Iyar, April 28, Agudath Israel of America will be hosting an Azkarah in memory of the Novominsker Rebbe, HaRav Yaakov Perlow Z''TVKL, Rosh Agudas Yisroel, at 7:30 pm EDT.  

We will be addressed by memebers of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah: Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rosh HaYeshiva, Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia; Harav Aharon Feldman, Rosh HaYeshiva, Yeshivas Ner Yisroel of Baltimore; Harav Yosef Frankel, Vyelipoler Rebbe; Harav Elya Brudny, Rosh HaYeshiva, Mir Yeshiva. In addition, we will be addressed by the Rebbe's son-in-law, HaRav Elisha Horowitz, Rav, Khal Agudas Achim, Lawrence; and the Novominsker Rebbe, HaRav Yehoshua Perlow.  

The Azkarah will be chaired by Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America. Call-in information will be forthcoming.  

In addition, the Yeshiva founded by the Rebbe, Yeshiva Novominsk Kol Yehuda, will be sponsoring an Azkarah this Sunday, 2 Iyar, April 26. The Yeshiva will be furnishing details.  
Memories of the Novominsker Rebbe ZT"L
Rabbi Becker walking alongside the Rebbe at a pre-Siyum Hashas asifa in Flatbush

By Rabbi Labish Becker

I write these words with a broken heart. It was my extraordinary Zechus to know the Noviminsker Rebbe, זצוק״ל for more than fifty years. My father had been a Rov in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for over forty years and frequently traveled for Shabbosos to small communities throughout the state to bring them Chizuk. During those times, my mother (who was a daughter of the Ozerover Rebbe) and I sometimes traveled the hour and a half from Milwaukee to Chicago to spend Shabbos with her cousins in Chicago, the Zhiditzhover Rebbe and his Rebbetzin, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Avrohom Eichenstein. They were the Novominsker Rebbe's father and mother-in-law. The Novominsker and his Rebbetzin lived in Chicago at that time and were often at the Eichenstein home when we were there. Although this took place when I was only between the ages of eight and twelve, he made an incredible impact on me with his royal bearing, dignified demeanor, warmth and friendliness. I looked up to him as a role model to emulate.

Many years later when I entered the service of Agudas Yisroel, I often had the opportunity to meet with the Rebbe in his home and when he came into the office for meetings of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. When he became the Rosh Agudas Yisroel after the Petirah of Rav Moshe Sherer z"l, I had even more opportunities to observe him up close. He constantly exuded unusual sensitivity and clear thinking when faced with the problems facing Klal Yisroel. There was literally almost no issue brought before the Moetzes that he did not have a clear, cogent plan for dealing with. Watching him think and speak was a true lesson of Daas Torah. His compassion and Ahavas Yisroel were unparalleled. One could feel the pain in his voice when Klal Yisroel was suffering and the joy when it prospered. Agudas Yisroel and Klal Yisroel leaned very heavily on the Novominsker Rebbe's shoulders and he was always there for us.

I recall one incident where he made an observation that was so profound that it continues to guide me to this very day. We were in a small meeting with the Rebbe discussing the seemingly intractable issue of the influence of the internet upon our Tzibbur. The Rebbe commented that he had grown up in the 1930's when the challenge then facing Klal Yisroel was Shmiras Shabbos. So many people, faced with the Nisayon of losing their Parnosoh week after week, gave up and began to work on Shabbos. The Rabbonim were at a loss as to how to proceed. They thought that Klal Yisroel would never recover and that this was the beginning of the end Chas Ve'sholom.

"But," the Rebbe said, "That was when the genius of Klal Yisroel manifested itself. With time, people began to figure out new ways to make a living without desecrating Shabbos; they opened their own businesses and found professions that wouldn't require them to be Mechalel Shabbos. The Ribono Shel Olam helped at that time and the five-day work-week became the norm, almost totally ameliorating the need to desecrate Shabbos in order to make a living." The Rebbe then commented that today there is no frum Jew who would desecrate the Shabbos even for a million dollars – it is unheard of. It is not even a Nisayon now.

"Now, we have this new Nisayon facing us and we feel the same sense of despair and hopelessness in dealing with it, but we should never feel this way. The genius of Klal Yisroel will always be there to find a way to deal with it and Hakadosh Baruch Hu provides Siyata Dishmaya. With this Siyata Dishmaya the Jewish people will overcome this test and flourish." He concluded, "Who knows if people will discuss this challenge in fifty years and totally not understand it, because this Nisayon will no longer exist."

It is almost impossible to comprehend that the Rebbe zt"l is not here and it leaves us with an incredibly painful void in our hearts and a sadness that will take a long time to overcome. We know from Chazal that Tzadikim be'misasam keruyim chayim (Tzadikim, even after their Petirah, are called living). The lessons we learned from him, the warmth and Ahavas Yisroel that he showed us and all of Klal Yisroel will be cherished forever.

Mazel Tov to the all the Lomdei Hadaf!
In the Dark No More: Lenox Hill Hires Liaison to Convey Information to Patients' Families
By Sandy Eller

Amid the ongoing chaos and confusion, a Manhattan hospital is ensuring that coronavirus patients' families are kept apprised of their medical conditions during the COVID-19 outbreak, bringing in a liaison to compile patient information and share it with their loved ones.
Lenox Hill Hospital, part of the Northwell Health System, has become a prime destination for coronavirus patients in recent weeks, a distinction earned for its stellar patient care. Hatzolah began transporting patients to the Upper East Side hospital after realizing that coronavirus victims were achieving positive outcomes at Lenox Hill, but the sheer number of infected individuals had doctors and nurses prioritizing medical care over phone calls, leaving family members frustrated and concerned. 
After being apprised of the problem, Northwell Executive Vice president for Strategy and Analytics Jeff Kraut worked with Chayim Aruchim Care Navigator Mrs. Leah Horowitz to formulate a strategy to keep family members informed of their loved ones' conditions while allowing doctors and nurses to focus on patient care. Northwell hired Matis Witriol to serve as a community liaison during the crisis, his fluency in both Yiddish and English and his medical background bridging the gap between patients, their loved ones and the medical staff. Witriol spends his hours walking the floors at Lenox Hill, conferring with the medical staff, making FaceTime calls with patients to their loved ones and sharing information with family members. 
"It was a simple solution that worked for everyone," said Mrs. Horowitz. "Because hospitals have no visitation policies in effect, people saw their loved ones taken away in an ambulance and couldn't communicate with them at all until they were released from the hospital. Mr. Kraut understood the importance of establishing a line of communication that could provide family members with detailed medical information on their hospitalized loved one." 
Chayim Aruchim applauds both Lenox Hill and Northwell for appreciating the frustration and fear that left family members on edge night and day, and taking decisive steps to alleviate the situation. 
"Northwell's leadership historically has been extremely respectful and responsive to our community," said Rabbi Shmuel Lefkowitz, president of Chayim Aruchim, a project of Agudath Israel of America.
"It was clearly impossible for doctors and nurses to be answering phones while they were surrounded by crashing patients in need of their care," added Mrs. Horowitz. "This was simply a communication issue that was thankfully resolved and we appreciate Mr. Kraut's efforts in providing family members with relief and peace of mind during this difficult time. We hope that other institutions will follow his lead."

Yarchei Kallah Continues!
The Yarchei Kallah program continues on Sunday with a hachanah shiur at 11:00 AM EDT from Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman, a shiur from Rabbi Asher Weiss on yesod din Krias Shema at 12:00 PM EDT, and divrei chizuk from Rabbi Chaim Mordechai Ausband at 1:00 PM EDT. There will also be a chazarah shiur given by Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon at 8:00 PM EDT.

To connect via zoom, go to or, via phone, call 646-558-8656 with participant ID 876 513 892. 
Klal Yisroel Helping Klal Yisroel Thank Yous

Below are some of the "thank you"s that we received from those who have benefited from this COVID-19 help fund:

"We cannot thank you enough for this. From the organization, fundraising and distribution aspects, this must be taking up so much of your energy and time. It has truly lightened our hearts and has given us a renewed sense of simchas yom tov, knowing that we do not need to be worried about making yuntif for ourselves and our children under these circumstances. All we can say is thank you- mi keamcha yisroel. You and everyone who is involved should have bracha bestowed upon you along with good health in this crazy time."

"I received the check today. Thank you. May all the ברכות of מי שעוסק בצרכי ציבור באמונה be fulfilled in all donors of time, money, and resource."

"I have bh been managing so far but with the loss of income and the kids all home it has been challenging. You have made this process so easy and my dignity stayed intact. Please thank everyone involved and iy'h I will hopefully soon be able to pay it forward."

"With a lump in my throat, and a heart filled with gratitude, all I can say is THANK YOU. Please forward my hakoras hatov to whoever arranged this."

We still need your help! You can contribute to this campaign by donating here.
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