Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Wed, Apr 29, 2020, 3:15 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel
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News from the Agudah:

  • Last night we were privileged to convene an Azkarah for the Novominsker Rebbe, ZTVKL, and we were joined by almost 60,000 of you in a massive display of Kavod HaMeis and Kiddush Hashem. May the Rebbe be a meilitz yosher for us, and may we be zoche to follow in his footsteps.

  • We will be sending out an email later today with call-in information and links to access the recordings of the Azkarah.

  • Please see below for a statement from Agudas Yisroel about unfortunate events that occurred in New York City yesterday.

  • This Monday we hosted a videoconference about coronavirus and the frum community with Israeli Health Minister Yaakov Litzman and Ambassador Dani Dayan. Please see below for more details.

  • The virtual Yarchei Kallah on Inyanei Tefilah continued today with a shiur from Rabbi Meir Tzvi Spitzer at 12:00 pm EDT on Din Birchos Krias Shema. Please see below for tomorrow's schedule.

  • Rabbi Abba Cohen, director of the Agudah's Washington Office, tells us that the United States Department of the Treasury published a new Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan FAQ. The FAQ clarifies that the cost of a housing stipend or allowance provided to an employee as part of compensation (parsonage) does count toward payroll costs. Payroll costs include all cash compensation paid to employees, subject to the $100,000 annual compensation per employee limitation.This clarification was made at the request of Agudath Israel and the Orthodox Union, in collaboration with other coalition partners.

  • Pirchei Agudas Yisroel has partnered with Night Seder America, which is a nightly program for boys in grades 6-8 in which over 1,200 boys call in by Zoom or phone to learn Gemara in an interactive way and listen to guest speakers like R' Elya Brudny, R' Paysach Krohn, R' Yechiel Spero and others. There are nightly raffles and trivia questions with great prizes to encourage chazarah and yedios klaliyos. Please see below for information on how to join this program.

  • Lastly, we have uploaded all the recordings from last week's Yarchei Kallah shiurim to our website. You can access the videos here. Enjoy!
Statement From Agudath Israel
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's tweets last night about a large funeral that took place in Williamsburg, Brooklyn created a maelstrom of protest. They gave the impression that he saw the Jewish community, in particular, as flouting rules of social distancing in this challenging time.
The mayor expressed regret this morning for the way his words were taken. We agree with that sentiment.
No matter how well-intentioned the Mayor might be, words that could be seized upon by bigots and anti-Semites must be avoided at all costs.
The Jewish community as a whole, and the Orthodox Jewish community in particular, are heeding social distancing rules, including at funerals. In fact, weeks ago, Agudath Israel shared clear guidelines for funerals and burials developed by the National Association of Chevra Kadisha (NASCK); guidelines that were patently violated by last night's funeral.
While we at Agudath Israel keenly understand the deep grief over the loss of a beloved leader, the health and safety of our community, neighbors, and that of our dedicated law enforcement officers must be always be our highest priority. 
Agudah Hosts Virtual Coronavirus Discussion with Israeli Health Minister Yaakov Litzman and Ambassador Dani Dayan
Health Minister Yaakov Litzman on the Zoom conference
Ambassador Dani Dayam on the Zoom conference
Health Minister Litzman and Ambassador Dayan
on the Zoom conference
By Sandy Eller

Where do we go from here?
With coronavirus numbers slowly starting to decline, elected officials and medical professionals throughout the United States are all wrestling with the same issues as they try to map out a plan for a return to some semblance of normalcy without compromising public health. With few facts on the ground but questions aplenty, Agudath Israel of America took advantage of an invitation extended by Israel's Office of the Consul General in New York to discuss the ongoing situation with Minister of Health Rabbi Yaakov Litzman, whose public health decisions have played a part in keeping fatality rates relatively low during the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.
Ambassador Dani Dayan noted that Israel is happy to be able to share its expertise with others as the world at large navigates the current crisis.
"Israel stands with Jewish communities around the world at all times, including in these times of emergency," said Ambassador Dayan. "As Israelis, we must reach out to diaspora Jewry to offer our support, ensuring that their resilience remains strong so that all Jewish communities continue to flourish."
More than 50 people participated in the Zoom conference along with Minister Litzman, Ambassador Dayan, Deputy Consul General Israel Nitzan and multiple Agudah officials including executive vice president Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, chairman of the board Shlomo Werdiger, director of New York government relations Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, national director of state relations Rabbi A.D. Motzen, New Jersey director Rabbi Avi Schnall and California chairman Dr. Irving Lebovics. Also taking part in the virtual meeting were Orthodox Union president Rabbi Moishe Bane, infectious disease specialists Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt and Dr. Daniel Berman, Hatzolah paramedic Chaskel Rosenberg, Israel's Ministry of Health director general Moshe Bar Siman Tov and Ministry of Health head of the government hospitals division Dr. Erez Onn.
Mr. Werdiger introduced Minister Litzman, thanking him warmly for his continued availability and responsiveness to the needs of America's Jewish community. Minister Litzman shared his thoughts on Israel's coronavirus experience, noting that his early decisions to close his country's borders and impose 14 day police-monitored quarantines were initially seen as unpopular by many in the government, some members of the media and the general public. But by moving quickly to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, Israel fared relatively well during the outbreak and is already loosening restrictions, with some schools set to re-open as early as next week.
Minister Litzman addressed multiple questions during the hour long conference, tackling subjects including the potential resurgence of the coronavirus, mental health issues related to the weeks-long lockdown, preferred treatments for COVID-19 patients, keeping less critically ill patients out of hospitals, antibody testing, using convalescent plasma to treat patients, funeral and burial arrangements for those living overseas, biased media coverage of the Charedi community and plans for reopening yeshivas catering to American post-high school students.
Expressing his gratitude to the Israeli consulate for initiating the meeting, Rabbi Zwiebel noted that it was a prime example of our communal responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of Jews everywhere.
"The fate of all Jews is intertwined and we are all in this together," observed Rabbi Zwiebel. "It is important for us all to share our knowledge about this terrible virus, so that information gleaned in one part of the world can be used for a positive outcome in another part of the world."
New Yarchei Kallah Call In Information
The virtual Yarchei Kallah on Inyanei Tefilah continued today with a shiur from Rabbi Meir Tzvi Spitzer on Din Birchos Krias Shema.

The new access code is and the new call in number is 1-646-558-8656 Log In: 835-286-77424.
Pirchei Partners with Night Seder America
Join Night Seder America, an exciting nightly program for boys in grades 6-8 to call in by Zoom or phone to learn Gemara in an interactive way and listen to guest speakers, take part in raffles and trivia questions with great prizes, to encourage chazarah and yedios klaliyos. Here is the login or call-in information for your son to use to join:

The program takes place Sunday through Thursday, at 8pm-8:45pm (EDT), with the limud being in Gemara Rosh Hashana, 3rd Perek. From 8:45pm-9pm is the nightly contest.

ZOOM MEETING ID: 8970634419 or 71913589090 (Password for both is 5780)

CALL IN OPTION: 929-436-2866 (followed by first meeting id) or 929-205-6099 (followed by second meeting id)
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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