Sunday, May 31, 2020

Aneinu Please Daven - Brain Surgery Monday

Please daven for Chaim Moshe ben Deena, grandson of Tziporah Glassenberg, who is iyH having delicate brain surgery early tomorrow morning.

Chasdai HaShem, the family has been zoche to see koach hatefillah over the past few months in his recovery. On the night of Chaim Moshe's accident he had a portion of his skull removed which should have been replaced a few weeks later. After delay due to Covid 19, neurosurgery is iyH scheduled for early Monday morning.

Please daven for Chaim Moshe Ben Deena b'soch sh'ear cholei Yisroel,  and join the tehillim conference 9 pm (Chicago time) tonight, Sunday, 605-468-8011 code 0913.

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