Monday, May 25, 2020

FW: Or Menorah - YIZKOR AT HOME ON SHABBAT: Guidelines

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-------- Original message --------
From: 'Or Menorah' via Or Menorah <>
Date: 5/25/20 7:50 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: OrMenorah Google Groups <>
Subject: Or Menorah - YIZKOR AT HOME ON SHABBAT: Guidelines

Or Menorah

Rabbi Doug Zelden – Rav
Dov Steinberg - Shul President

7006 N. California Ave. Chicago, IL 60645


SHAVUOT in the Home
YIZKOR - 5780


Saturday Morning Shavuot ll - YIZKOR

Yizkor Candles should be lit Friday night before Shabbat/Yom Tov candles, from an existing flame.

● Yizkor should be recited at  home on Shabbat morning without a minyan (when you daven).

One should make sure to pledge money to tzedakah before reciting Yizkor.


with a credit card on line at
Click below:

or drop a check in the shul mail slot
or at the Rabbi's home mail slot.
Please write YIZKOR on the memo line.
(This also helps support your shul during this pandemic!)
Rabbi Doug will be reciting the names of your loved ones in shul with the ark opened, by himself, on Shabbat, at the same time it would've been recited with the minyan.  Please email the names of your loved ones - in Hebrew or English - that you will be reciting YIZKOR for, to by Thursday at 10:00am to have this names included before the Torah Scrolls at Yizkor time on Shabbat of Shavuot. . 

Rabbi Hershel Schachter's comments on Yizkor during the pandemic:

"During these times when we are unable to gather in shul it is important to know that Yizkor may be recited without a minyan. However, it is even more important to understand and remember that the main function of the Yizkor recitation is to serve as a context in which to pledge to charity in the merit of deceased loved ones. As the Rambam (Hilchos Yom Tov 6:17) tells us, the true way to experience Simchas Yom Tov is through helping and donating to the less fortunate among us (see "True Simcha" on This is even more critical at the present, as the Tanach teaches tzedakah (charity) is one way to bring salvation from death. In particular, those who were willing to spend thousands of dollars in order to celebrate Shavuot in hotels or camps with their families should certainly donate the money which they did not ultimately spend to charity."


Printable link to an alternative to Kaddish for an individual:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please take care of your 5780 membership, and any yizkor pledges or past due donations.

To donate with a credit card, go to:
Please be up to date! We need your support!

Or Menorah

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