Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Fwd: Daf Yomi on Shavuos & Interviews with Maggidei Shiur

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From: The OU Daf Yomi Initiative <>
Date: Wed, May 27, 2020, 7:04 PM
Subject: Daf Yomi on Shavuos & Interviews with Maggidei Shiur
To: <>


Dear All Daf User, 

We hope that all is well with you and your family during these challenging times. As many are slowly beginning to return to shuls, re-opening their businesses, and returning to work, we fervently pray that this pandemic comes to a complete end, and we wish heartfelt condolences to all that have lost loved ones.

As we approach the special day of Kabbolas HaTorah, we had the opportunity to sit down and speak with many of our Maggidei Shiur. They shared how they got into Daf Yomi, what's unique about their shiurim, how a Daf Yomi learner could spend their Shavuos, and more.

We split the interviews into three parts with the links below:

Part 1: Hear how each Maggid Shiur got into Daf Yomi, how and when they prepare for the Shiur and how Covid-19 has effected their schedules.

Part 2: What's the proper balance between online Daf learning vis-a-vis a live Shiur or Chavrusa? Any suggestions for the first-timer who is getting overwhelmed especially with Eiruvin coming up?

Part 3: How a Daf learner could spend his Shavuos, and a closing message 

Additionally, click here to see a 30-second clip of people learning Daf Yomi around the world under quarantine in all different settings.

Take care and have a wonderful Shavuos and Shabbos,

Moshe P. Schwed
Director, OU Daf Yomi Initiative


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