Sunday, May 24, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel - 1 Sivan 5780/May 24, 2020

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Date: Sun, May 24, 2020, 11:12 AM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel - 1 Sivan 5780/May 24, 2020
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May 24, 2020 - 1 Sivan 5780
News from the Agudah:

  • Today, Sunday, at 2:00 pm EDT, Agudath Israel of Ohio will be continuing its Marching to Sinai series, with Rabbi Asher Weiss speaking about "Inspiration for Kabbalas HaTorah." Introductory remarks by Rabbi Ariel Shoshan. Please see below for more information.

  • The virtual Yarchei Kallah will continues today on the topic of Talmud Torah, with shiurim from Rabbi Asher Weiss and Rabbi Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi. Please see below for the exact schedule. There are opportunities for dedications and sponsorships for the Yarchei Kallah. Please email to have someone call you to discuss.

  • Did you know that there are four (yes, four!) Pirchei programs for your son today? See below for the full run-down.

  • Have your Videos and pictures Featured on V'Nismach Live! Send us your pictures, screenshots, and videos clips of you and your family learning Torah during lockdown, and have them air on the feature video presentation of Wednesday's V'Nismach event: "Learning During Lockdown!" Send your clips and pictures to

  • The Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim is pleased to present a Safah Berurah, a sefer that includes the halachos of the month of Sivan and Shavuos. See below for more details and a download link.

  • Does your son know this week's Night Seder America schedule? See below...

  • Finally, in case you missed it, here's a link to last week's amazing Agudah Live! episode. Watch it here.

Agudath Israel of Ohio: Marching to Sinai - Inspiration for Kabbalas HaTorah
At 2:00 pm EDT, Agudath Israel of Ohio will be having an "Inspiration for Kabbalas HaTorah" event. Rabbi Asher Weiss will be speaking and there will be introductory remarks and divrei bracha by Rabbi Ariel Shoshan.

The Zoom meeting ID is 814 6395 6847, password Sinai.

The call in number is 347-248-7799. Meeting ID 814 6395 6847, password 728723.
Agudath Israel's Midwest Council of Synagogue Rabbonim Release Sefer on Hilchos Shavous
The Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbonim is pleased to present a sefer on the  halachos of the month of Sivan and Shavuos. The 100-page Kuntres covers a wide-range of Hilchos Shavous, starting from Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan.  
The content for the sefer was compiled by Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, Executive Director, Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Synagogue Rabbanim,  and reviewed by Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan, Agudas Yisroel of Illinois. Rabbi Yisroel Langer and Rabbi Moshe Kaufman, Morei Horaah for the Midwest Bais Horaah contributed to the publication.  
Enhance your Zman Matan Toraseinu by learning all the relevant hilchos hazman.  
Click here to download a printable PDF.  
Yarchei Kallah Continues
The virtual Yarchei Kallah continues today on the topic of Talmud Torah. There will be a hachana shiur from Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman at 11:00 am EDT, a shiur from Rabbi Asher Weiss on Birchas HaTorah at 12:00 pm EDT, divrei chizuk from Rabbi Boruch Mordechai Ezrachi at 1:00 pm, and a chazarah shiur from Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon at 8:00 pm EDT.

The Zoom access code is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Pirchei Sunday Live - and so much more Pirchei today!
Here's a run-down of today's exciting Pirchei programming:

5:00pm: (EDT) Pirchei Sunday Live
Hosted by Reb Hershel!
Zoom: (646) 318 0071 No ID needed
Call in: (425) 436-6277
Pin: 533200

5:30pm: (EDT) Daily Dose
Call in (978) 990 5000
Pin 161062

6:13pm (EDT): Sunday Learn and Live!
Zoom ID 442-229-4679
Password 613
Call in 646 558-8656 pin 613

...and even more Pirchei!
7pm (EDT): Pirkei Avos With Geshmak
ZOOM INFO: 989 0262 1799
Password: GESHMACK (All uppercase)
Call in 646-558-8656 
Meeting Id 989 0262 1799
PIN: 456572
Night Seder America Update
Dear Parents and Masmidim,
We say in the Hadran by a Siyum, "Anu ratzim v'heim ratzim..." that the hallmark (big Savanah Georgia word) of a Ben Torah is what he "runs" towards. BH, on NSA, we have been the living example of this idea. The excitement for a shtickle Gemara, a Yediyah, and maybe even perhaps a corpulent porpoise, is what has made NSA such a source of Nachas for Klal Yisroel and the Ribon Shel Oilam. Looking forward to spending the week of Kabalas Hatorah together, "K'ish Echad B'lev Echad".

We announced last night that we have decided to continue NSA after Shavuos. It has been a tremendous zechus for all of us.We welcome anyone who is interested in sponsoring our Program as we hope to continue to teach Torah and be able to bring the sweetness of Torah to over 1500 boys and their families. Please email us privately if you are interested in sponsoring. 

Have a great shabbos,
Rabbi Schonfeld

**See below for some of the shiurim and the recorded guest speakers from this past week. (not all shiurim and speakers were able to be downladed)**

ZOOM MEETING ID: 8970634419 or 71913589090 (Password for both is 5780)
CALL IN OPTION: 929-436-2866 (followed by first meeting id) or 929-205-6099 (followed by second meeting id)

Sunday- Wednesday (this week only, due to Yom Tov)
8pm-8:45pm(EST) Limud Gemara (Rosh Hashana, 4th Perek). 8:45pm-9pm: Nightly contest. 

This weeks speakers:
Sunday- Rabbi Aharon Lopianski
Monday- Rabbi Zev Leff 
Tuesday- Rabbi Daniel Gladstien 
Wednesday- Bar Mitzvah P'shetel/Rabbi Yosef Elefant
Thursday- No NSA (Shavuos)

This weeks Contests: 
1. V'haarev Na- We will continue to raffle off (courtesy of Vhaarev Na) a set of a personalized Cross pen/pencil every night to the boys who write notes and teitch in their Gemara. In addition, as we began this past week, V'haarev Na is sponsoring a raffle twice a week (mon and wed for this week) for a Brand new Shas!! The raffle is for any one who gets tested (by a family member or friend) on an Amud Gemara Shakla Vatarya B'aal Peh (from either Meseches Tamid or Rosh Hashana)

2. T.M.P (with a twist!) (That's My Psak!)- BACK BY EXTREMELY POPULAR DEMAND We will choose at least 2 contestants a night who will try and answer 6 multiple choice questions correctly. Each correct answer leads to a larger gift card, with the top prize being a Segway (gevaldig, gevaldig, gevaldig!!...) Phone participants can participate as well. We are excited and honored that Pirchei Agudas Yisroel has partnered with us to help sponsor T.M.P. 

3.M.S.A. (Maggid Shiur America!) Going Forward, M.S.A will be AUDIO ONLY.  This weeks topic is "Zecher limikdash" Send us in a 1-2 minute recording of a structured "Shtickel Torah" on that topic. Outside help from a family member is encouraged! . Monday- We will play one winner from Lakewood. Tuesday- We will play one winner from New York. Wednesday we will play one winner from Passaic. Every Maagid Shiur will receive a $50 gift card to an online Seforim store. 
5. Nightly trivia- Of course we will continue our nightly trivia on the Gemara we learned and on the content of the guest speakers.

6. Chazara/ Chazara+ We have a raffle every night for all those who reviewed the previous nights Gemara + another raffle that grows by 5 or 10 dollars a night for all the boys who reviewed from the beginning of the 4th Perek that day, and yet another nightly raffle for all boys who reviews the 3rd perk.

Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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