Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel - 4 Sivan 5780/May 27, 2020

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Date: Wed, May 27, 2020, 11:53 AM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel - 4 Sivan 5780/May 27, 2020
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May 27, 2020 - 4 Sivan 5780
News from the Agudah:

  • The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah has issued a statement regarding the kedushah of shuls and tefillah. Please see below.

  • The Yarchei Kallah on Talmud Torah continues today with a shiur from Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff on Shelo Barchu B'Torah T'chilah: Chiddush V'cheishek B'talmud Torah at 12:00 pm EDT and divrei chizuk from Rabbi Boruch Dov Povarsky at 1:00 pm EDT. Today's program is back on Zoom and teleconference. See below for the call in information.

  • On Monday night, Agudath Israel of Florida had a special Inspiration for Kabbalas HaTorah event where Rabbi Avrohom Schorr spoke on the topic of K'ish Echad B'leiv Echad. Click here to listen to a recording of the shiur.

  • Tonight, at 6:30 pm EDT tune in to The Siyum Live! Please see below for more information.

  • Agudath Israel of Ohio's Counting to Matan Torah series continues tonight at 8:00 pm EDT with a shiur from Rabbi Dovid Goldberg. Please see below for the call in information.

  • On yesterday's Agudah Live, Rabbi Avi Schnall and Rabbi Shai Markowitz, were joined by Rabbi Labish Becker, executive director of Agudath Israel of America, and Rabbi Ari Schonfeld, maggid shiur of Night Seder America, on a fascinating discussion about Innovative and Expanding Torah Initiatives. Click here to watch a recording of the event.
Kol Korei from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah
You can download the letter by clicking here.

In English Translation:

An Urgent Call from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah:

The Hand of Hashem has struck us twice, with a terrible pandemic and a difficult decree, incomparable to anything in recent memory: a plague in which thousands of our brethren fell, among whom were great Torah scholars and community leaders; and by being removed from Hashem's Presence by having shuls and batei medrash closed around the world. It is incumbent on us to better our ways and to repent to Hashem, every person and his community, as they recognize their own shortcomings. Specifically, we have to be mindful that the world operates in a measure-for-measure way; it is possible that these decrees came because we were not acting properly regarding the holiness of Shuls and batei medrash.

Hashem has been merciful and we have recently seen a glimmer of hope in that the decree of closing of Shuls has become somewhat lifted, and - with specific conditions - local jurisdictions in many states have permitted returning to them, with the approval of expert doctors. But we must be careful not to repeat our earlier mistakes. Therefore, when we return to Shul, we must accept on ourselves to act with greater care for the fundamentals of public prayer and the holiness of Shul. For this reason, we have come to suggest actions regarding the holiness of Shul and prayer -some of which are the plain halachah - that we should accept on ourselves when we return to prayer in Shul.

Conduct in Regards to the Holiness of Shul and Prayer:

  1. To envision for ourselves when we arrive to Shul that we are standing in the dwelling of Hashem.
  2. Although we have become habituated to praying alone, that we should now exceedingly try, if permitted to do so, to pray with a minyan and in Shul, which has many benefits.
  3. To pray as if we were standing in front of a king, and not to hurry.
  4. Shuls should, when permitted to do so and in a permitted manner, add more shiurim and learning with a chavrusa, which were diminished during the pandemic.
  5. Not to engage in idle chatter in Shul; not to talk at all and to pay attention during chazaras hashatz and keri'as haTorah; and not to leave Shul until the prayer is over.
  6. Not to bring publications with non-Torah content into Shul.
  7. To turn off the ringers of cell phones, and not to take cell phones out of one's pocket, in Shul.

May it be the will of Hashem that the merit of our strengthening ourselves in these areas should enable us to have a true acceptance of the Torah on the upcoming holiday of Shavuos. May we merit that Hashem rest His Divine Presence upon us, that He accept our prayers with mercy, that catastrophe is not heard in our environs, that good and benevolence accompany us in our lives, and that He redeem us permanently, quickly.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America
Yarchei Kallah Continues
The Yarchei Kallah continues today with shiur from Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff on Shelo Barchu B'Torah T'chilah: Chiddush V'cheishek B'talmud Torah at 12:00 pm EDT and divrei chizuk from Rabbi Boruch Dov Povarsky at 1:00 pm EDT.

The Zoom access code is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
V'nismach: The Siyum Live!
Can you imagine that just 141 days ago we came together in MetLife Stadium with nearly
100,000 fellow yidden, with no distancing, no masks, no gloves, (well ok, maybe some winter gloves) and we joined as one, united, in celebration of Torah?

Wouldn't you just love to relive that moment now?

Well, you can!

Join V'Nismach this tonight, live, and relive The Siyum.

The power and purpose of the Siyum haven't faded one iota; they've only been augmented by our new and strange circumstances. Everything has changed - but Torah remains a comforting constant.

And now, in time for Kabalas Hatorah, we invite you to join V'Nismach, a virtual event that will inspire us to reignite our passion for Torah. Through our connection to Torah we are all
connected, hundreds of thousands strong.

On Leil Erev Shavuos, Wednesday May 27, at 6:30 pm EDT, we'll each be in our own homes - but united in our joint mission and movement: Ki Heim Chayeinu.

The joy, the celebration, the valor of the Daf - connecting us all and renewing our desire to keep Limud Hatorah front and center of our lives. When we get together on a Zoom shiur, or conference call, there is no distancing, we are right there, back together, united by Torah.

We will once again be hosted by Rabbi Avi Schnall, New Jersey Director for Agudas Yisroel of America, and virtual event favorite Rabbi Elchanan Schwarz, LCSW, and the program will feature a brand new film, "Learning Under Lockdown," highlighting today's Heroes of The Daf who haven't missed even one day since The Siyum. It will feature inspiring brand new Siyum Moments LIVE!, leading Maggidei Shiur, inspiration from Gedolim and your chance to relive The Siyum as you sing and dance along to 'The Music of The Siyum'.

Don't miss this amazing event!

Tune in LIVE


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Counting to Matan Torah Series
Agudath Israel of Ohio's Counting to Matan Torah series continues tonight at 8:00 pm EDT with a shiur from Rabbi Dovid Goldberg.

Join via Zoom with meeting ID 85831256775, access code 645534#, or call in at 646-558-8656.
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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