Sunday, May 31, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel - 8 Sivan 5780/May 31, 2020

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Date: Sun, May 31, 2020, 10:53 AM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel - 8 Sivan 5780/May 31, 2020
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May 31, 2020 - 8 Sivan 5780
News from the Agudah:

  • With great sorrow, we share with you the terrible news of the petirah of the mother of our dear colleague, Rabbi Naftali Miller, National Director of Development for the Agudah. May the entire family have yeshuos v'nechamos b'soch sha'ar avlei Tziyon v'Yerushalayim.

  • Agudath Israel of Maryland, in conjunction with the Baltimore Jewish Life and the Star-K, is launching a new project today, to help support local businesses in the greater Baltimore area. Go to to buy gift cards (many discounted), for later use, from local businesses. In this difficult time, every little bit helps.

  • The Agudah's Yarchei Kallah continues today - see below for call-in and zoom details. Rabbi Asher Weiss will be speaking at 12:00 noon EDT on the topic of Birchas HaTorah. There are opportunities for dedications and sponsorships for the Yarchei Kallah. Please email to have someone call you to discuss.

  • Every Shavuos is a recommitment to limud Torah and today, Isru Chag, is a great day to start or restart Daf Yomi. The Daf Yomi Commission and Ki Heim Chayeinu remind you that there are many, many resources to use to make your Daf Yomi learning smoother. For those of you who learn from a computer or tablet, this website should be in your bookmarks: It makes the entire daf interactive and hyperlinked, with multiple options for shiurim to listen to on any section of the daf. Check it out here.

  • Pirchei has programs every day, but each Sunday is full of them! See below for information on the four (count 'em!) Pirchei programs for today, plus...

  • ...Night Seder America continues this week - see below for the full details and a special event tonight!
Today's Yarchei Kallah:
Rabbi Asher Weiss at 12:00 pm EDT
The Yarchei Kallah continues today with shiur from Rabbi Asher Weiss on Birchas HaTorah at 12:00 pm EDT.

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Pirchei Programs for Today!
Here's a run-down of today's exciting Pirchei programming:

5:00pm: (EDT) Pirchei Sunday Live
Hosted by Reb Hershel!
Call in: (425) 436-6277
Pin: 533200

5:30pm: (EDT) Daily Dose
Call in (978) 990-5000
Pin 161062

6:13pm (EDT): Sunday Learn and Live!
Zoom ID 442-229-4679
Password 613
Call in 646 558-8656 pin 613

...and there's even more:
Pirkei Avos with Geshmak!
7pm (EDT): Pirkei Avos with Geshmak with Rabbi Yonasan Posnick
ZOOM INFO: 989 0262 1799
Password: GESHMAK (All uppercase)
Call in 646-558-8656 
Meeting Id 989 0262 1799
PIN: 456572
Night Seder America Update
Dear Parents and Masmidim,

Just a reminder that the deadline to send in the "Siyum email" is 6pm. The subject should say "siyum" and the email should be just your son's name and address.

We will select a boy to make the siyum Sunday night when we will be joined live by Joey Newcomb!

There will be special raffles as well and the amount you can win will vary, depending on how many Amudim you reviewed (Tamid has 17 and in Rosh Hashana we have done 13). 
We will then begin a brand new sugya right after the siyum.

ZOOM MEETING ID: 8970634419 or 71913589090 (Password for both is 5780)
CALL IN OPTION: 929-436-2866 (followed by first meeting id) or 929-205-6099 (followed by second meeting id)

See below for this week's schedule. Looking forward to another week of shteiging!!

Rabbi Schonfeld

8pm-8:45pm(EST) Limud Gemara (Rosh Hashana, 4th Perek). 8:45pm-9pm: Nightly contest. 
Going forward, we will be having guest speakers only on Thursday.
This weeks guest speaker is Rabbi Chaim Nosson Segal

This week's contests: 
1. V'haarev Na - We will continue to raffle off (courtesy of Vhaarev Na) a set of a personalized Cross pen/pencil every night to the boys who write notes and teitch in their Gemara. In addition, as we began this past week, V'haarev Na is sponsoring a raffle twice a week (mon and wed for this week) for a Brand new Shas!! The raffle is for any one who gets tested (by a family member or friend) on an Amud Gemara Shakla Vatarya B'aal Peh (from either Meseches Tamid or Rosh Hashana)

2. T.M.P. (you control!!) (That's My Psak!)- We will choose at least 2 contestants a night who will try and answer 6 multiple choice questions correctly. Each correct answer leads to a larger gift card, with the top prize being a Segway (gevaldig, gevaldig, gevaldig!!...) Phone participants can participate as well. We are excited and honored that Pirchei Agudas Yisroel has partnered with us to help sponsor T.M.P. This week, there will be 6 categories of questions. 1- Tanach 2- Jewish history 3- Jewish music 4- Gemara 5- NSA trivia 6- Audio. You will decide when you want to be asked each category. Details will be explained tonight.

3. NEW - The power of a Niggun - Starting this week (Monday) we will spend 5 minutes a night learning the meaning of the words a popular song and some nights even having a small 5 minute kumzitz to that niggun. There will be a raffle every Sunday night to anyone who sings those niggunim for a blue tooth speaker. Details to be explained tonight.
5. Nightly trivia - Of course we will continue our nightly trivia on the Gemara we learned.

6. Chazara/Chazara+ - We have a raffle every night for all those who reviewed the previous nights Gemara + another raffle that grows by 5 or 10 dollars a night for all the boys who reviewed from the beginning of the 4th Perek that day, and yet another nightly raffle for all boys who reviews the 3rd perk.

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