Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel

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From: Agudath Israel of America <news@agudah.org>
Date: Tue, May 12, 2020, 11:59 AM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
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News from the Agudah:

  • Firstly, we'd like to wish all of our readers a happy Lag Ba'omer! Since many of us will be getting haircuts today, we'd like to share the following shiur from Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld, about the halachos related to haircuts. Click here to watch the shiur, which was given in Camp Agudah in 2018.

  • Due to the current situation, COPE, a division of Agudas Yisroel, has moved its Junior Accounting course online. As many girls are home from seminary, COPE is meeting the need and is scheduling a new online semester for women, starting May 18th, with a month off in August and finishing in September. Classes will take place Sundays and evenings. Online classes for men are scheduled to begin July 6th and will run for approximately 4 months. Please see below for more information.

  • The Agudah is working on a special video project highlighting learning under lockdown in honor of the upcoming Yom Tov of Shavuos. Would you like to see your family member featured? Please send us a 5-10 second clip of a family member learning daf yomi under coronavirus conditions – whether it's by themselves, on video, phone, or however! Send your video clip to submissions@agudah.org.

  • We'd like to share a recent article from the New York Times which highlights the tremendous efforts of the Orthodox community and Agudas Yisroel in donating plasma to help fight coronavirus. Click here to view the article.

  • Are you a rebbe or morah who is working on keeping your class engaged? The new Class Codes program, a joint program of Pirchei, Masmidei HaSiyum, and Bnos, is a way to keep your class listening and watching. See below for more information and how you can join over 500 mechanchim and mechanchos and have your students join with the 24,000 calls we already received this week for the Class Codes program!

  • The virtual Yarchei Kallah on Inyanei Brochos continues today with a shiur from Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon on Ikur V'tafel: coffee at 12:00 pm EDT. See below for call in information and for tomorrow's schedule.

  • Agudah Live is back! Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EDT, join Rabbi Shai Markowitz and Rabbi Avi Schnall as they talk with Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, director of government affairs for Agudath Israel of Illinois, and Rabbi Avi Greenstein, executive director of the BPJCC, as they discuss Klal Yisroel's response to COVID-19. More details below.

  • Our colleagues at Dor L'dor asked us to share the details of their exciting learning program for elementary school boys. Please see below for more information.

  • Lastly, look out in your inbox for the new Ki Heim Chayeinu video, which will be coming to your inbox soon.
Online COPE Courses
Due to the current situation, COPE has moved its Junior Accounting course online. As many girls are home from seminary, COPE has met the need and scheduled a new online semester for women, starting May 18th, with a month off in August and finishing in September. Classes will take place Sundays and evenings. Online classes for men are scheduled to begin July 6th and will run for approximately 4 months.
This course will give students a solid education in accounting and all business-related fields in a matter of a few months. Students who attend this course will be able to continue into our Bachelor's program which culminates in 150 credits, and enables students to sit for the uniform CPA exams.
In-person classes for men and for women are scheduled to resume in September.
To register, or for more information call COPE: 718-506-0500 x 208 or 219, email: info@copeeducation.com, visit: http://copeeducation.com/.
New Program: Class Codes
Dear Dedicated Rabbeim and Moros,

Learning at home can be distracting and challenging…but with the new and innovative Class Codes contest it's now exciting!
Welcome to CLASS CODES, a special game for elementary school grades during COVID remote at-home learning. The goal is to help keep students engaged throughout the entire learning session. We will have exciting daily raffles with great prizes, as well as cumulative weekly grand prizes.
Every Rebbi/Morah will receive a set of 5 numbers to tell their students at random times during (recording or live) class. All those paying attention and that "catch" at least 4 of the 5 numbers can be entered into that day's raffles. Students should record the codes (in any order) to later enter them into the system.

Click here for a sample card that may be sent to all the students for them to print and easily keep track of each day's codes.

(The sample card was designed for 2 sets of numbers per day. For now, we are starting with 1 set per day.)

Make sure to tell your students the instructions below so they can know how to enter the raffles.

For Rebbeim and Moros only (we know kids read these emails too!), to register and to receive the codes, email mpogrow@agudah.org.

Phone instructions for students
BOYS call in #: 718-307-2955 and Press 2 for CLASS CODES
GIRLS call in #: 347-572-7279 and follow the prompts

  1. When applicable, the line will first announce the previous day's winners. 
  2. The system will ask them to enter their first number followed by #. 
  3. It will read it back to confirm the submission. 
  4. The system will continue to prompt them to enter the rest of their numbers, one at a time, confirming in between each submission. 
  5. After entering all the numbers, they will be asked to leave a clear message with their name and phone number twice.

We hope this will help your students have a more productive learning experience.
Yarchei Kallah Continues
The virtual Yarchei Kallah continues today with a shiur from Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon on Ikur V'tafel: coffee at 12:00 pm EDT. There is also a daily chazarah shiur at 8:00 pm EDT.

The Zoom access code is https://us02web.zoom..us/j/83528677424 and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Agudah Live is Back!
Agudah Live is back! Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EDT, join Rabbi Shai Markowitz and Rabbi Avi Schnall as they talk with Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, director of government affairs for Agudath Israel of Illinois, and Rabbi Avi Greenstein, executive director of the BPJCC, as they discuss Klal Yisroel's response to COVID-19.

Join at Agudah.org, TorahAnytime.com/agudahlive, or TheYeshivaWorld.com.
Dor L'dor
Dor L'dor is an exciting learning program for elementary school age boys. Learn every day and get entered into raffles! The boys learn from 6:00-6:45 pm EDT every night and call 646-8776-9923, ID 93-13-98-893# at 6:45 pm to hear from exciting guest speakers.
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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Sent by news@agudah.org

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