Thursday, May 14, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel

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Date: Thu, May 14, 2020, 11:44 AM
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20 Iyar 5780 - May 14, 2020
News from the Agudah:

  • Ever since the pandemic sent us into our homes, Bnos Agudath Israel has been creating virtual programs to keep our girls engaged and learning. The need is real, and ALL the virtual Bnos programs have gotten amazing responses. Here is the latest on the incredible participation Bnos is seeing from its virtual programs and information on how your daughters can join; see below.

  • The virtual Yarchei Kallah on Inyanei Brochos continues today with a shiur from Rabbi Daniel Nuesdadt on Yayin Poter Mashkim at 12:00 pm EDT and a chazarah shiur from Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon at 8:00 pm EDT. The Zoom access code is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.

  • Agudath Israel of Ohio's nightly shiur series in preparation for Shavuos continues tonight. At 8:00 pm EDT, Rabbi Alexander Charlop will be giving a shiur on Krias HaTorah. The Zoom meeting ID is 85831256775, access code 645534#. The call in number is 646-558-8656.

  • On Monday, May 12thwe hosted a webinar in partnership with Roth & Co. on the topic of maximizing Paycheck Protection Program loan forgiveness. Click here for a recap of the webinar and to watch a recording of it.

  • One more update for the boys - see below for information on Masmidei HaSiyum's expanded hasmadah program, which is now running until Shavuos. Your son's yeshiva can still join - see information below.
Bnos Bikur Cholim

Bnos Bikur Cholim (BBC) set up girls and women to connect with senior friends by phone. Bnos now has over 250 BBC pairs! There are still seniors who need phone mates. If you'd like to be a part of this tremendous mitzvah, contact Bnos at
Virtual Tehillim Groups
Bnos reinvented Shabbos afternoon groups for today's reality. Bnos advisors communicate with their girls through email, phone, and text and divide the tehillim among their girls to be said at a specidfic time on Shabbos afternoon. Each advisor is also working out a (socially distanced) way for the girls to get nosh and prizes like they do at "regular" Shabbos afternoon groups. Over 50 groups already signed up for the first Shabbos! Contact Bnos to bring Virtual Tehillim Groups to your city or neighborhood.
Bnos Hotline

For elementary-school-age girls, Bnos started a new hotline for girls to call in and hear stories, say Tehillim, answer Parsha riddles, and win prizes. 3,000 girls call into the hotline every day, and our girls have logged over 30,000 perakim of Tehillim. . . and still counting!! You can help us reach 40,000 perakim or more by calling 720-721-4724. 
Bnos Pen Pals

Bnos started its popular summer pen pal program early, matching up girls to make friends with Bnosers in another city. Bnos now has over 350 pen pal pairs, with 50 of those pairs in Eretz Yisroel! Excitement about the program is running high! One mother wrote to tell us that her daughter has "been singing about this pen pal all night, and today she wore a special dress in honor of this being the day she will get her pen pal!" The program is still open. Email us at with your age, city, and contact info, and soon you can be singing, too!
Make it Count
After Pesach, Bnos started a virtual Sefiras HaOmer program called "Make It Count." Girls of all ages can call in to learn about shmiras halashon and participate in the activities and contests. Over 5,000 girls now joined the Sefiras Haomer program! You can join, too, by calling 641-715-3800, access code 806845#.
Don't miss out! For more information or to join any Bnos program, including the brand new Virtual Tehillim Groups, email or call 212-797-9000 ext. 330.
Masmidei HaSiyum Expands as Shavuos Nears
Agudath Israel's Masmidei HaSiyum is proud to announce an extension to their special Hasmadah program.  Over the last turbulent months, our masmidim have managed to rise above the current crisis by learning over 400,000 minutes of Gemara, Mishnayos and Chumash. Invigorated by this feedback, Masmidei has added an additional phase to their programming with even more tickets and prizes. 
The final phase of Masmidei HaSiyum will be taking place through Shavuos. This extended program includes a one of a kind Kabalas HaTorah special in which all learning earns double the amount of tickets and 3 grand prize winners every week. To top it all off, the program will end with a major grand finale. The clock is ticking, Shavuos is only two weeks away, start logging in your learning today.  

For questions regarding this program email us at To register your Yeshiva for this exciting program, email us at or call 347.201.0270 
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