Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Fwd: Or Menorah - Community Support - If needed you’re still eligible weekly for financial assistance! JEWISHCHICAGO.INFO

Kehilat Or Menorah

Jewish Community Support 

As we approach Shavuot and our 12th week of quarantine many members of the community are still struggling financially because of the impact of the Coronavirus.
A team of baalei batim has been raising funds to help these families in need. Chicago Chesed Fund, The Chicago Center & Agudah are all working in unison, with this team, on the fund.
The mechanics of receiving the money is as follows, if you feel that it is appropriate to receive assistance and receive funds, 
Fill out the request for assistance page at the  Chicago Jewish Community COVID-19 website-

Or call 224-534-9867 or email and request assistance if issues on-line.
All of this information is also found on the Chicago Jewish Community COVID-19 website-
May we be zoche to בשורות טובות בקרוב,

חג שמח!

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