Wednesday, June 24, 2020


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From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 6/24/20 7:41 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] CMC CONSTRUCTION UPDATE

Mitzvah Gram

Volume 10, Issue 7 // Tammuz 5780 // June 2020
For the print version of the newsletter, please click here.

Construction is progressing well at the site of CMC's future new location at the south-east corner of Pratt and California. The interior framing will soon be completed, following which the construction will progress to the interior electric and plumbing work.

CMC is very grateful to all of the donors large and small who have already contributed toward the CMC's capital campaign. Much more funding is still needed, and many dedication opportunities remain available, including for the new "United Bikur Cholim Kitchen", as well as for the CMC's expanded transportation service. Contact the CMC for details, or click here to make an online donation.

Spotlight on Services

Thank G-d, the Jewish Chicago community is the proud host and grateful beneficiary of a number of local organizations that have been working for decades alongside one another to provide meals for patients and their families. While CMC has focused mostly on providing meals for patients and their families in hospital settings, Sharlene Levinson Bikur Cholim has focused mostly on providing meals for patients and their families at home. And while Chai Lifeline specializes in providing meals for child patients and their families, Chicago Chesed Fund provides a great deal of raw materials and other resources for patients and families in need in the community.

Freshly-cooked, wholesome, full-catered meals for Shabbat, Yom Tov, and weekdays.
Accommodating multiple choices of hechsher.
Meals available for special medical diets.
Delivered to patients and their families, in hospital and at home.
Delivered to new mothers and their families.
After-hours and emergency deliveries available.
Meals delivered by refrigerated vehicle.
All menus overseen by a certified dietician.
Kitchen under the supervision of CRC.
In recent months, these four dedicated and outstanding organizations have joined together in preparing to launch a truly amazing new collaborative project: Chicago's new UNITED BIKUR CHOLIM KITCHEN ("UBCK").

Drawing upon the combined resources, expertise, infrastructure capacity, and networking ability of all four organizations, the new UBCK will serve as a genuinely all-inclusive "one-stop shop" source for all of Chicago's "Bikur Cholim" meals.

The UBCK's physical location will be housed in an entirely new, state-of-the-art kitchen facility housed in CMC's future new building, where all the freshly-prepared meals will be cooked and prepared for delivery.

The entire UBCK project will be run by a dedicated full-time employee, MRS. ADINA ABERMAN, who will coordinate volunteers, process requests, and oversee the entire operation.

It is anticipated that the new UBCK will be ready to begin full operations during the fall of 2020.

Touching Lives
With the Covid-19 crisis continuing to raise challenges that are as unique as they are unanticipated in their breadth and scope, the CMC continues to respond resourcefully, with creative and flexible solutions to help seniors, patients and their families. For more information, call the CMC office or click on this link. Below are some recent highlights of CMC's Covid-19 response efforts.


With the spreading threat of Covid-19, "Mrs. FM" was prohibited (like all visitors) from making her regular visits to the group home in which her blind and deaf adult daughter resides. FM became extremely concerned about her daughter's growing isolation, since the workers in the group home were not yet fluent in tactile sign language. Moreover, her daughter had been recently diagnosed with cancer, and was scheduled to imminently undergo a serious operation. Thus, now more than ever, she desperately needed the comfort of her mother's reassuring physical presence, communicative clarity, and maternal warmth.

Desperate for a solution, FM turned to CMC for help in obtaining permission to visit her daughter. CMC reached out to the group home's management, and also contacted multiple government officials, including the respective offices of State Senator Ram Villivalam and State Representative Yehiel "Mark" Kalish.


"Mrs. GH" was urgently heading from out-of-town to Chicago to be near her mother, who had been placed in hospice care and was not expected to live for much longer. However, with the fear of the spreading coronavirus precluding the usual invitations of hospitality from family, friends and/or community, Mrs GH was worried about where she could possibly find a safe and convenient place to stay. Thankfully, one of CMC's hospitality suites came to the rescue. Since CMC's suite safely and comfortably took care of all Mrs GH's accommodation needs, she was able to properly focus on being fully present for her mother during those precious final days of her life.


Due to circumstances caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, a local doctor recently needed to spend time seeing patients in hospital during Shabbat. Thanks to CMC's hospitality suite adjacent to the hospital, the doctor was able to care for his patients while still enjoying comfortable, private accommodations, full-course catered Shabbat meals, and a proper Shabbat with no lack of personal amenities and traditional religious items.


CMC is continuing and increasing our efforts to help seniors remain safely at home throughout the duration of the pandemic:
  • CMC has now provided our "free shopping and delivery" service for over 600 orders of groceries, medications, and other essentials for hundreds of seniors and patients in the community. 
  • CMC recently sponsored two daily promotions of 30% off the cost of groceries for seniors who had their orders shopped and delivered by CMC from Kol Tuv and Hungarian. 
  • CMC recently delivered well over 1,000 pounds of government-sponsored fresh fruits and vegetables (graciously provided by Chicago Chesed Fund) to scores of seniors in the community. 
  • CMC is continuing to deliver full-course Shabbat meals every week for those isolated seniors and patients who are unable to cook at home and cannot go out for Shabbat meals due to the pandemic. CMC has provided close to 3,000 such Shabbat and Festival meals since the beginning of the pandemic.


Because of the increased fear of contracting Covid-19 in a facility, hospitals are discharging many patients to receive physical therapy at home instead of at a rehab facility. CMC is helping many such patients by assessing their homes for fall hazards and installing balance and mobility equipment such as railings, grab bars, toilet and shower seats, and more.

  • CMC continues to make hundreds of "telephone reassurance" calls to uplift the spirits of isolated seniors in the community. 
  • CMC's daily Torah classes (for men and women) and bi-weekly exercise classes (for women only), available by Zoom and by telephone conference calling, continue to grow. Click here for an updated schedule and easy, one-click access to each class.


With new Covid-19-related medical information constantly developing, many patients and their families continue to turn to CMC for assistance with navigating the serious medical-ethics questions that continue to arise in this rapidly evolving arena. In each case, CMC consults extensively with the patient's medical team (in many cases seeking multiple medical opinions) in order to clarify the best assessment of the patient's condition and prognosis, and provides the family with in-depth guidance and counseling based on the Jewish approach to medical ethics.

Making a Difference
"I so appreciate the help with shopping, which is so difficult for me. Thank you so much and God bless you."
"Trying to get groceries has been very stressful. We really appreciate this service and the kindness of the CMC staff."
"I want to say how much I appreciate this gesture.  It really makes one feel a part of a Community.  One caring for another.  Many many thanks for making this happen."
"The volunteer who called me was so kind and friendly! After 6 minutes of talking with her I felt like I had known her all my life."
"You all are amazing and an incredible blessing for us! ...I can't begin to say how it feels to go from full time, demanding work to someone who can't shop for myself, etc.... It's got to be with people like your group helping like this that Ha Shem will be satisfied if not thrilled and we will merit Mashiach!"
"Thank you for all you do for us. Chicago Mitzvah Campaign goes above and beyond for seniors and Chollim. HaShem should bless everyone in this wonderful organization!"
"I can't thank the Chicago Mitzvah Campaign enough. The order looks most impressive the way they organized and packaged everything. Hashem should bless everyone who worked tirelessly to make this all happen and they should continue to stay safe and healthy as well..."
"Enclosed please find a donation check of which I am sending to CMC instead of locally here in Florida. I must mention how I have, and continue to enjoy the Zoom programs, exercise, Rabbi Levinson and Israel Starck. May you and your organization continue doing the Mitzvos that you do, sorry that you were not organized when we were living in Chicago."

Prayer is Healing
The CMC wishes a speedy recovery and good health to:
  • Harav Gedalya Dov ben Perel
  • HaRav Yehoshua Heschel ben Shartza Babtcha
  • Aviva Miriam bas Nechama
  • Avraham ben Shoshana
  • Avraham Shlomo ben Hoda Bayla
  • Avrohom Shlomo ben Pesel
  • Balka Chava bas Osne Yudit
  • Brocha Esther bas Sarah
  • Candice bas Kayla
  • Chana Leah bas Sarah
  • Chaya Musa Ita bas Chana Gittel
  • Dovid ben Miriam Chana
  • Dovid Mayer ben Rachel Liba
  • Eliyahu ben Chana Leah
  • Esther bas Chana
  • Feigel bas Rivkah Kalah
  • Laury bat Roberta
  • Mayer Feivel ben Chana Leah
  • Mazal bas Sarah
  • Mira Esther bas Tema
  • Miriam Leah bas Slava
  • Miriam Sara bas Mindel Leah
  • Oren Yehoshua ben Leah
  • Refoel DovBer ben Rus
  • Refoel Naftali Moshe ben Chana
  • Reuven Dovid ben Chana
  • Rivka bas Chana
  • Riva Sara bas Leah
  • Sara bas Yehudis
  • Shayna bas Faige Perel
  • Shmuel Eliezer ben Fruma Gittel
  • Shoshana bas Sara
  • Simcha ben Hinda
  • Simcha Dovid ben Chaya Yaffa
  • Yaakov Eliezer Halevy ben Bluma
  • Yael Sara bat Yehudit
  • Yosef Eliezer ben Devorah
  • Yosef Sholom ben Shira Miriam
"May G-d bless all those who are ill because of the coronavirus to receive a speedy and complete recovery, Amen."
CMC Chaplaincy and Senior Services Division


In Hospitals

  • Patient visitation
  • Shabbat and Holiday meals
  • Advocacy and support
  • Food for Hatzalah transports
  • Free kosher guest meals
  • Family Counseling
  • Tefillin, prayer and observances
  • Hospitality suites and food pantries
  • Shabbat packages
  • Friday night candles
  • Maternity box of delights
  • Emergency food deliveries
  • Bedside refrigerators

At Home
  • Medicar transportation
  • Senior Center daily programs
  • Emergency medical alert systems
  • Preventing elder abuse and neglect
  • Home safety assessments
  • Fall prevention equipment
  • Free delivery service for groceries
  • Tuesday Senior Shopping Day
  • Senior friendship
  • Medication management systems
  • World-wide "SimchaVision" (from any hospital or residence)

Special Holiday Projects
(hospitals/nursing homes/home-bound)
  • Rosh Hashana: Shofar blowing
  • Sukkot: Lulov and Etrog
  • Chanukah: Menorah lighting and gifts
  • Purim: Megillah reading and gifts
  • Pesach: Seder plates

End of Life
  • Musical enrichment
  • Counseling and support
  • Assistance with traditional Jewish burials
  • Minyanim for Kaddish
  • Kaddish recitation 
  • Yahrtzeit and memorial services
See what's happening on our social sites:
Like us on Facebook

Chicago Mitzvah Campaign, 2939 W. Touhy Avenue, Chicago, IL 60645

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