Thursday, June 18, 2020

Fwd: College Campus Prep; Coping With Anxiety; Does It Pay to Be Good?

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Date: Thu, Jun 18, 2020, 7:08 PM
Subject: College Campus Prep; Coping With Anxiety; Does It Pay to Be Good?
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Orthodox Union OU Shabbat Shalom Weekly
Siyum and Shloshim in Memory of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, zt"l Orthodox Union

Join Yeshiva University, the Rabbinical Council of America and the Orthodox Union as we celebrate the life and accomplishments of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, zt"l.

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Siyum and Shloshim in Memory of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, ztl
Project Community 2020 Launches July 6th Orthodox Union

Exciting summer programs for teens, college students and Yachad members.

Email for details
Project Community 2020 Launches July 6th
Around the OU
Read Now: Jewish Action Summer 2020 Jewish Action

Explore "Corona Diaries;" "Great Summer Reads;" "Jewish Mindfulness" and more in the new issue. And remember to sign up at to receive curated content between issues!

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  Read Now: Jewish Action Summer 2020
New Release: The Koren Yachad Siddur OU Press

Designed by Yachad in cooperation with OU Press, this siddur features easy-to-read conceptual English translation and commentary focused on fundamental concepts of tefilla that bring the text alive.

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  New Release: The Koren Yachad Siddur
NextDor Devs Lightning Talks—Tuesday, June 23, at 9:00PM NextDor

Join the next virtual roundtable discussion, Career Progression in corporate America, featuring representatives from Bloomberg, Facebook, Google and more.

Join us
  NextDor Devs Lightning Talks—Tuesday, June 23, at 9:00PM
Coming to a College Campus this Fall? OU-JLIC

Register to virtually meet your OU-JLIC educators and ask any questions about Jewish life on- and off-campus.

Register now
  Coming to a College Campus this Fall?
Your Chance to Support NCSY Teens This Week NCSY

On June 22-23, NCSY Giving Day continues as NCSY Canada and NCSY Midwest fundraise in support of educating and empowering Jewish teens. Please help us reach our goal! NCSY teens need your help!

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  Your Chance to Support NCSY Teens This Week
SPIRIT Program for Retirees, Not-Yet-Retirees, Empty Nesters, Baby Boomers and Seniors Community Engagement

Can't remember where you put your keys, whether you took your medicines, or if you said a bracha? Join SPIRIT for a two-part series on improving focus and memory.

Register now
  SPIRIT Program for Retirees, Not-Yet-Retirees, Empty Nesters, Baby Boomers and Seniors
Coping With Anxiety and Uneasiness Due to Corona OU Israel

Join us for an evening of practical advice with Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Executive Vice President, Emeritus, Orthodox Union.

Join us
  Coping With Anxiety and Uneasiness Due to Corona
Watch: Tammuz and 2020 Vision OU Women's Initiative

Join Ms. Elana Flaumenhaft this Monday to learn about chodesh Tammuz with the OU Women's Initiative.

Watch here
  Watch: Tammuz and 2020 Vision
What is Going On? Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

We think we know the story: Joshua and Caleb had faith, the others did not. But this is hard to understand as the ten also knew that God was with them.

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  What is Going On?
Two Types of People Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Two valuable lessons about two different types of people.

Read more
  Two Types of People
How Do the Spies Relate to the Mitzvah of Tzitzit? Rabbi Menachem Genack

What is the meaning of the parallels between the parsha's opening episode of the spies and the parsha's concluding mitzvah of tzitzit?

Read more
  How Do the Spies Relate to the Mitzvah of Tzitzit?
Does It Pay to Be Good? Rabbi Norman Lamm zt"l

I do not do good because it pays, but because as a Jew I am commanded to do good.

Read more
  Does It Pay to Be Good?
Measure for Measure Torah Tidbits

Rebbetzin Shira Smiles explores the importance with which one must treat his or her achievements in avodat Hashem.

Read more
  Measure for Measure
Jewish Thought
L'iluy Neshama: Helping and Maintaining Our Relationship with the Deceased Rabbi Asher Resnick

Losing a loved one is among the greatest traumas that one can experience. Judaism doesn't just acknowledge how painful this can be, it provides a course of action that can help.

Read more
  L'iluy Neshama: Helping and Maintaining Our Relationship with the Deceased
Top 10 Kosher Summer and Travel Questions Rabbi Moshe Elefant

Though this summer will be different, many kashrut questions still apply. Can you use a BBQ previously used for non-kosher meat? Take allergy medicine without certification? Eat salad from a non-kosher establishment? Get the answers to these questions and more.

Read more
  Top 10 Kosher Summer and Travel Questions

Parshat Shelach
June 19-20, 2020
28 Sivan 5780

Joshua 2:1-24

This Shabbat
Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Tammuz

Special Days

Rosh Chodesh Tammuz is celebrated on Monday, June 22, and Tuesday, June 23.

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