Monday, June 29, 2020

Fwd: Halacha Yomis - Davening Outside, Bird Droppings

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From: OU Kosher <>
Date: Mon, Jun 29, 2020, 7:01 AM
Subject: Halacha Yomis - Davening Outside, Bird Droppings
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Is there an issue davening in a driveway with...

OU Kosher
The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer
OU Kosher Halacha Yomis
This column is dedicated in memory of:
Rav Chaim Yisroel ben Reb Dov HaLevi Belsky, zt'l
Senior OU Kosher Halachic Consultant from 1987-2016

Q. I have been davening outside on a driveway that is littered with bird droppings. I know it is not permissible to daven when facing human waste. Is there an issue with davening on the driveway if I can see the bird droppings?

A. The Torah specifically forbids davening in the presence of human waste, and it is forbidden even if there is no smell. In contrast, Shulchan Aruch (79:4) writes that in general one need not distance themselves from animal waste and bird droppings, so long as the odor is not noticeable. The Mishnah Berurah (79:22) writes that there is no need to check, and one may assume that the wastes of most animals and birds are not poignant, unless one realizes otherwise.

However, some specific animal wastes are assumed to have a noticeable odor, such as the wastes of cats (Shulchan Aruch OC 79:5). There is one bird that is an exception to the rule. The Yerushalmi writes that one must distance himself from red chicken droppings. There is a discussion among poskim what "red" refers to. Some understand that if the chicken droppings are red, this indicates that they are rotten, and have a strong odor. Others though explain that "red" refers to the color of the chicken. Mishnah Berurah (79:26) identifies the "red chicken as the "Indik", which some translate as a turkey (perhaps because a male turkey's head turns red when distressed).

In any event, one may daven in a driveway despite the presence of bird droppings.

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Dedicated by Gerald and Karin Feldhamer
in memory of their parents
R' Moshe ben R' Elyokim Getzel Feldhamer and Pesha bas Reb Mordechai
R' Avrohom Abba ben R' Chaim Finkelstein and Taube bas R' Yissocher Dov HaKohen
In memory of R' Kalman ben R' Moshe Feldhamer

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