Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Fwd: The Laws of Bishul, Amud Yomi and Remembering the Lubavitcher Rebbe

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 23, 2020, 11:01 AM
Subject: The Laws of Bishul, Amud Yomi and Remembering the Lubavitcher Rebbe
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

June Zman and July Zman

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

June 9-15 • Sivan 17-23

The newsletter this week has been sponsored by David, Barton and Joel Levine l'zecher nishmas Harav Yaakov Chaim ben Yitchak ben Zion/In loving memory of Rabbi Jacob H. Levine

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by David, Barton and Joel Levine l'zecher nishmas Harav Yaakov Chaim ben Yitchak ben Zion, Rabbi Jacob H. Levine
by Miriam and Alan Goldberg and family to mark the yahrzeit of Samuel Goldberg, R' Shmuel Meir  ben R' Eliyahu Ha Cohen Z"L
by Karen and Mark E. Benson to mark the 5th yahrzeit of Karen's father, Marty Fohrman, Bezalel Mordechai ben David Yitzchak HaLevi Z"L
by Avi and Allegra Goldberg and family in memory of Judith I. Messer, Yehudit Ita bat Reuven z"l, on her 5th yahrzeit

New This Week

Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein

The Differences Between Gezeirah of Pas Akum and Bishul Akum

A chabura reviewing the basics of Yoreh Deah.

Listen Now
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

Too Hot or Too Cold: Who Controls the Thermostat

When there's a disagreement, do you follow the majority or the minority? Does it matter who the minority is?

Listen Now
Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff

Eliyahu HaNavi: Not Just for The Pesach Seder
A biographical sketch of Eliyahu and how that affects his role with the arrival of the Mashiach.

Listen Now
Rabbi Uri Orlian

6 Ways to Warm Up Food On Shabbos
Warming draws, hot plates, blechs, crock pots and more - A review of a very pertinent and complicated topic.

Listen Now
Rabbi Daniel Stein

Brewing Coffee on Shabbos
What are the permitted ways to make coffee, both freshly brewed and instant?

Listen Now
Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner

When Political Allies are our Halachic Opposites

May we form alliances with people whose behaviour or platform is counter to Halachah? Tanach and Halachah on political alliances.

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Rabbi Yehuda Turetsky

The Basics of Korbanos: Korban Olah

The first in a new series reviewing the law of the korbanos as well as the classic lomdus associated with them.

Listen Now

Featured on YUTorah

Remembering the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Learn about the rebbe and his legacy as we mark his yahrtzeit this week.

Browse the shiurim

The Laws of Cooking on Shabbat

How well do you know the rules of cooking and heating up food on Shabbat?

Browse the shiurim

Jump into Amud Yomi

Amud Yomi is a great way to add daily gemara into your schedule at a pace that is managable and fulfilling. Start your daily learning with shiurim on YUTorah.

Browse the shiurim

July Zman at Yeshiva University

If you've always wanted to join a daily shiur, now's your chance, and this year you can participate live on Zoom!

Learn More

Kollel & Midreshet Yom Rishon @YUTORAH


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