Thursday, June 25, 2020

Fwd: Never Give Up on Another

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From: Rabbi Yosef B. Friedman <>
Date: Thu, Jun 25, 2020, 8:23 AM
Subject: Never Give Up on Another
To: <>

Dear Friend,

Today is Gimmel, the 3rd of , Tammuz. It marks the 26th anniversary of the Rebbe's passing. It is a time when we traditionally donate to an institution established and nurtured by the Rebbe, specifically his publishing house: Kehot.

On this auspicious day, I invite you to help us publish the Rebbe's unique commentary on Pirkei Avot.

Please visit our dedication page today. 

Thank you.

For Shabbos, here is an insight by the Rebbe on the unique characteristic of a Jewish leader, excerpted from Kehot's Chumash Bemidbar Synagogue Edition, by Rabbi M. Wisnefsky.

Moses, arose and went to Dathan and Aviram, the elders of Israel followed him.
(Bemidbar 16:25)

Never give up

Dathan and Aviram had openly demonstrated their animosity toward Moses, charging him with being a despot and an impostor. Moreover, G-d Himself had already sealed their punishment, instructing Moses  to save only the others from their impending fate. Still, Moses did not give up hope that his "enemies" would repent, doing everything in his power to influence them to reconsider.

We must learn from Moses to always do whatever we can to bring our brethren back to G-d and the Torah -- even when it seems that all hope is lost. This is true even when they are ignoring their faith intentionally, and all the more so when they are acting out of ignorance. 

Gut Shabbos,
Rabbi Yosef B. Friedman
Kehot Publication Society


To the Sons and Daughters of Israel, Everywhere:
Letters by the Lubavitcher Rebbe on the Jewish Festivals.

Throughout the years of his leadership, the Rebbe would issue a message to the public, in connection with the major festivals on the Jewish calendar-the High Holidays and Passover. In some years, the Rebbe issued messages prior to other Jewish festivals as well.

These letters set the tone for the upcoming holidays, with the Rebbe shedding light on particular spiritual meanings, demands, and opportunities of the season, urging us to contemplate the messages highlighted in the letter as we prepare to re-experience that special time.

Kehot Publication Society, 291 Kingston Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11213

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