Sunday, June 7, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel - 15 Sivan 5780/June 7, 2020

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Sun, Jun 7, 2020, 12:30 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel - 15 Sivan 5780/June 7, 2020
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June 7, 2020 - 15 Sivan 5780
News from the Agudah:

  • Urgent: Click here to watch an urgent message re: overnight summer camps in New York State. Camps have still not received the green light from Governor Cuomo to open this summer. We have been working with AJCO, a group of camp directors and a medical team (including top infectious disease doctors) and have developed a detailed plan that will allow camps to open safely. Please contact the governor's office by Sunday night, today, June 7th using this link. We've enclosed a sample text and detailed instructions below - the whole process takes less than 60 seconds.
  • The virtual Yarchei Kallah on Inyanei Brachos continued today at 12:00 noon EDT, with a shiur from Rabbi Asher Weiss on Yesod Birchas Hamitzvos. See below for more information. There are opportunities for dedications and sponsorships for the Yarchei Kallah. Please email to have someone call you to discuss this.

  • This week's Pirchei Sunday Live continues today at 5:00 pm EDT, with special guest Rabbi Labish Becker, Agudah's executive director, and a special story from Rabbi Mordechai Katz, director of Pirchei Detroit. See below for details.

  • Agudas Yisroel is proud to partner with Chazaq for a webinar today - Just Put It Away! - dealing with the ubiquitousness of cell phones in our lives. See below for more details about this event, which will be happening at 8:15 pm EDT tonight.

  • Did you see the video of Rabbi Moshe Matz, executive director of Agudath Israel of Florida, where he shared with us what he's been busy with this week? Click here.

  • Finally, as we do each Sunday, see below for this week's Night Seder America update.
Urgent Update Re: Summer Overnight Camps: Contact the Governor Today
As you may know, the question of summer overnight camp opening is still being debated in Albany. The date of overnight camp is fast approaching, and camps have still not received the green light from Governor Cuomo to open camp. AJCO, a group of camp directors and a medical team (including top infectious disease doctors) have developed a detailed plan that will allow camps to open safely.

Agudath Israel asks all to contact the governor's office by Sunday night, today, June 7th. We are enclosing the link below to contact the governor's office. The process takes less than 60 seconds. You will need to give your name and email address. It asks you for a topic and offers a drop-down menu. Please select COVID-19. It also asks for a subject. Please write Summer Overnight Camp. We are also including a sample message to the governor in the next post. You can copy and paste it or use one of your own.

Please submit by Sunday Night, June 7th. The link is:

Here is a sample message you can use in your email:

To the Honorable Governor:

We appreciate all that you have been doing to keep the citizens of New York State safe. Under your guidance there were no Covid-related deaths in NYC on June 3 and the infection rates across the state keep dropping.

As a parent of an overnight camper, I am pleading with the Governor to allow overnight camps to open. My children have been home and isolated for so many months. They need camp desperately

We need to return to work soon. We cannot have our children home without structure. Sunshine, fresh air and friendships cannot be replaced by Zoom programming and screen time. Our children NEED the structure of camp. There they learn teamwork, resiliency and connect with nature. Camp provides opportunities for socialization and bolsters emotional health.

Camp directors along with top infectious disease doctors have put protocols in place to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 in camp. Our children will be tested before camp and then quarantined in camp – where they will not infect their grandparents.
The safe and logical thing to do is to green light the opening of summer overnight camps right away. We will certainly show our appreciation to you!

Please let overnight camps open.

Thank you.
Virtual Yarchei Kallah
The virtual Yarchei Kallah continued today, Sunday, with an 11:00 am EDT hachanah shiur, a 12:00 pm shiur from Rabbi Asher Weiss on Yesod Birchas Hamitzvos and a chazarah shiur at 8:00 pm EDT.

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Pirchei Sunday Live!
Make sure your son calls in at 5:00 pm EDT for today's Pirchei Sunday Live! Special guest Rabbi Labish Becker, Agudah's executive director, and a special story from Rabbi Mordechai Katz, director of Pirchei Detroit. Call in at (425) 436-6277, using PIN 533200.
Tonight: Chazaq Webinar - Just Put It Away!
Agudas Yisroel is proud to partner with Chazaq for tonight's webinar on cell phones, technology, and the impact they're having on our lives. Just Put It Away! is at 8:15 pm EDT, and you can watch at, or call in to 718-298-2077, extension 46.
Night Seder America Update
Dear Parents and Masmidim,

As we sang throughout the week on NSA, "Baruch Hu Elokeinu Shebra'anu Lichvodo... Vchayei Oilam Nata Bisocheinu..." The sound of Torah is stronger and sweeter than ever on NSA on a nightly basis. Halevey Vayter!! 

This coming week, Iy''h, we are TAKING NSA ON THE ROAD! We will be in Lakewood Sunday night. (We will be enforcing the strict social distancing guidelines set forth by the Gov't officials and Rabbonim.) If that goes well, we would like to visit other communities as well (Australia??) so we can connect on a more tangible level with at least some of the Masmidim. Iy''h one day we will be able to get together to celebrate together with every member of NSA... Amen!

We will let you know on Monday of our plans for any other "Road Trips" coming up.

See below for next weeks schedule. We have attached the shiuirim (ALL!! Thank you Shabse Schonfeld) as well.

Have a great week,
Rabbi Schonfeld
ZOOM MEETING ID: 8970634419 or 71913589090 (Password for both is 5780)
CALL IN OPTION: 929-436-2866 (followed by first meeting id) or 929-205-6099 (followed by second meeting id)
8pm-8:45pm(EST) Limud Gemara (Rosh Hashana, 4th Perek).
8:45pm-9pm: Nightly contest. 
Going forward, we will be having guest speakers only on Thursday.
This weeks Contests: 
1. V'haarev Na- We will continue to raffle off (courtesy of Vhaarev Na) a set of a personalized Cross pen/pencil every night to the boys who write notes and teitch in their Gemara. In addition, as we began this past week, V'haarev Na is sponsoring a raffle twice a week for a Brand new Shas!! The raffle is for any one who gets tested (by a family member or friend) on an Amud Gemara Shakla Vatarya B'aal Peh (from either Meseches Tamid or Rosh Hashana)
2. T.M.P (you control!!) (That's My Psak!)- We will choose at least 2 contestants a night who will try and answer 6 multiple choice questions correctly. Each correct answer leads to a larger gift card, with the top prize being a Segway (gevaldig, gevaldig, gevaldig!!...) Phone participants can participate as well. We are excited and honored that Pirchei Agudas Yisroel has partnered with us to help sponsor T.M.P. This week, there will be 6 categories of questions. 1- Tanach 2- Jewish history 3- Jewish music 4- Gemara 5- NSA trivia 6- Audio. You will decide when you want to be asked each category. 
3. NEW- The power of a Niggun- We introduced two songs this past week. "Torah Hakedosha" by MBD and "Baruch hu Elokeinu" by Eitan Katz.  There will be a raffle every sunday night to anyone who sings either of those niggunim for a blue tooth speaker. 
4. NEW-  Anyone who, by Tuesday of this week, reviews from the beginning of the 4th Perek until where we get up to Monday night will be entered onto a raffle for a Gadol painting portait. The raffle will be held on Tuesday.
5. Nightly trivia- Of course we will continue our nightly trivia on the Gemara we learned.
6. Chazara/ Chazara+ We have a raffle every night for all those who reviewed the previous nights Gemara. Once a week we will have a raffle for those that reviewed from the beginning of the 3rd and 4th Perek.
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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