Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel - 17 Sivan 5780/June 9, 2020

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From: Agudath Israel of America <news@agudah.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 9, 2020, 1:53 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel - 17 Sivan 5780/June 9, 2020
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

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June 9, 2020 - 17 Sivan 5780
News from the Agudah:

  • President Trump has signed an "Executive Order on Advancing International Religious Freedom," and Agudath Israel commends the president's action. The EO is intended to make religious liberty around the world a central feature of American diplomacy. See below for more information.

  • Bnos is launching an exciting new hakaras hatov program together with the Modeh Ani Movement. See below for more information on this amazing program for your daughters.

  • Tune into Agudah Live tomorrow, June 10th at 3:00 pm EDT. Join Rabbi Shai Markowitz and Rabbi Avi Schnall as they discuss Corona Travel: Israel, Canada, visas, passports, and borders with Rabbi A.D. Motzen, National Director of State Relations, Agudath Israel of America, and Rabbi Paysach Freedman, CEO, Chaim V'Chessed. See below for more information.

  • Tomorrow night, June 10th, at 8:00 pm EDT, there will be a live Q&A about navigating this unusual summer. There will be a panel of doctors discussing the safety of camp, giving your kids a structured summer, dealing with children who are scared to play with friends because of corona, and other important topics. See below for more information.

  • The virtual Yarchei Kallah on Inyanei Brachos continued today with a shiur from Rabbi Chanoch Posey on Birchas HaShabbos V'shehecheyanu B'kiddush. See below for tomorrow's schedule. There are opportunities for dedications and sponsorships for the Yarchei Kallah. Please email reception@agudah.org to have someone call you to discuss this.

  • On Thursday, June 11th, the Far Rockaway/Five Towns communities will be having a special Azkarah for the Novominkser Rebbe ZTVK"L. Please see below for more information.
Executive Order on International Religious Freedom is Signed 
In an action that is seen to have important ramification for U.S. foreign policy, President Donald Trump has signed an "Executive Order on Advancing International Religious Freedom." The EO is intended to make religious liberty around the world a central feature of American diplomacy.  

"The President's directive reflects the meaningful engagement the State Department has had in the arena of international religious freedom," noted Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel of America's Vice President for Government Affairs and Washington Director. "Under Ambassador for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback's leadership, the Administration has been proactive and aggressive in highlighting the plight of several religious minorities. He has made the fight against religious persecution an American priority on the world scene, and a major focus for many foreign nations." 

The EO will prioritize, as a core tenet, the cause of international religious freedom in U.S. foreign policy in a number of ways. Among other things, it will direct ambassadors and embassies to promote, support and defend religious freedom in their assigned countries and it will emphasize religious freedom in U.S. foreign aid programs and through other economic means. This includes a joint State Department/USAID initiative, under President Trump's direction, that will ensure that at least $50 million per year is allocated for programs that advance international religious freedom.  

"For world Jewry, this is an important stride forward," observed Rabbi Cohen. "As anti-Semitism rises abroad, there is greater fear and danger associated with being a Jew and a religious minority, with going to synagogue and other community institutions, with performing religious rituals, observing Jewish holidays, and wearing religious garb. Life, and religious life, lived in fear and danger, cannot be said to be free." 

In the past several years, Jewish communities abroad have experienced violence against Jews, attacks and defacing of synagogues, threats against kosher slaughter and ritual circumcision, and desecration of Jewish cemeteries – all violations of international religious freedom.  

"Agudath Israel's Washington Office will continue to work closely and cooperatively with Ambassador Brownback, as well as with Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Elan Carr, both of whom are doing outstanding work, in protecting endangered Jewish communities around the world and in helping them to live, and practice their religion, freely," Rabbi Cohen noted.  
Bnos and the Modeh Ani Movement Encourage an Attitude of Gratitude 
With so many people in our lives putting in extra effort- think teachers, parents, friends, or neighbors- the time seemed right for a Bnos Agudas Yisroel program that focused on hakaras hatov, gratitude. 

But how? Mrs. Chana Baila Hass, National Director of Bnos Agudath Israel, was looking for a structure to inspire girls to give thanks. 

And then she got a call from the Modeh Ani Movement. 

The Modeh Ani Movement was just started in Cleveland. It combats the negativity in the world by encouraging girls to start each day on a positive note. Saying Modeh Ani begins the day with an "attitude of gratitude" to Hashem for all that He does. 

Mrs. Hass immediately realized the concept could be extended to the people in our lives, too. "Modeh Ani" means "I thank." Girls could bring a Modeh Ani attitude into all their daily interactions. They could experience Modeh Ani Moments throughout the day, thanking the people who help them in hundreds of ways. It would create a domino effect of positivity and good feelings. 

And so Bnos is launching an exciting new hakaras hatov program together with the Modeh Ani Movement. 

Here's how it works: Send your name, city, state to modehanichamp@gmail.com, or call 641.715.3800, access code 193944#. You'll receive an email packet with instructions, including a chart to fill in when you say Modeh Ani each day. Send the chart back when completed, and you could: 

*win an exciting raffle 

*or be picked for a Modeh Ani Champ interview 

*or be featured in the Modeh Ani Champ weekly newsletter  
But that's not all!  

Once or twice a month, the Modeh Ani Movement hotline will feature a hakaras hatov challenge to encourage girls to find their Modeh Ani Moments throughout the day. You can complete those challenges for more chances to win prizes or be featured in the newsletter. 

To join, call 641.715.3800, access code 193944#, or email modehanichamp@gmail.com. For questions, comments, or more info, email cbhass@agudah.org. And don't forget to say thank you! 
Agudah Live!
Tomorrow at 3:00 pm EDT, join Rabbi Shai Markowitz and Rabbi Avi Schnall as they discuss Corona Travel: Israel, Canada, visas, passports, and borders with Rabbi A.D. Motzen, National Director of State Relations, Agudath Israel of America, and Rabbi Paysach Freedman, CEO, Chaim V'Chessed.

Call in at 718-298-2077 access code 52 if you're in the US, or 647-797-0056 access code 52 if you're in Canada.
Camp Corona 2020
Tomorrow night, June 10th, at 8:00 pm EDT, there will be a live Q&A about navigating this unusual summer. There will be a panel of doctors discussing the safety of camp, giving your kids a structured summer, dealing with children who are scared to play with friends because of corona, and other important topics.

Send in your questions in advance to questions@fcfund.org.

Watch it live on torahanytime.com/agudahlive.
Virtual Yarchei Kallah
The virtual Yarchei Kallah on Inyanei Brachos continued today with a shiur from Rabbi Chanoch Posey on Birchas HaShabbos V'shehecheyanu B'kiddush. There will be a chazarah shiur at 8:00 pm EDT.

The Zoom access link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83528677424 and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Azkarah for the Novominkser Rebbe ZTVK"L
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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