Thursday, June 25, 2020

Fwd: Stopping Disrespect; Virtual Community Showcase; The Site of Korach's Demise?

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Orthodox Union OU Shabbat Shalom Weekly
Project Community 2020 Launches Orthodox Union is live! Teens and college students register now for an amazing summer of fun and chesed with Project Community 2020.

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Project Community 2020 Launches
Ask Your Senator: Support the Universal Giving Pandemic Support Act OU Advocacy

Take action now and help ensure that synagogues, schools, community centers and more are included in the continuing federal response to the COVID-19 crisis.

Take action
Ask Your Senator: Support the Universal Giving Pandemic Support Act
Around the OU
Tune In: Virtual Community Spotlight OU Community Engagement

Hear from the communities of the 2019 Community Fair including Cincinnati, OH; Elkins Park, PA; Fleetwood, NY; Louisville, KY; Richmond, VA, and Springfield, NJ.

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  Tune In: Virtual Community Spotlight
Watch: Tammuz and 2020 Vision OU Women's Initiative

Ms. Elana Flaumenhaft spoke to the OU Women's Initiative about chodesh Tammuz this week.

Watch here
  Watch: Tammuz and 2020 Vision
Orthodox Union Welcomes Bill to Increase Charitable Giving OU Advocacy

The bill will provide charities on the front lines of the COVID-19 response critical relief by allowing deductions for charitable contributions by individuals who don’t itemize their 2019 and 2020 tax returns.

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  Orthodox Union Welcomes Bill to Increase Charitable Giving
Listen: Allen Fagin Looks Back on Six Years of Service at the Helm of the OU Orthodox Union

Nachum Segal spoke with OU Executive Vice President Allen Fagin about his leadership over the past six years.

Listen now

  Listen: Allen Fagin Looks Back on Six Years of Service at the Helm of the OU
Sharing Our Past With Our Future SPIRIT Initiative

Register to join incoming OU EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer on Thursday, July 2, as he explores the value of sharing one's story with the next generation.

Register now
  Sharing Our Past With Our Future
Touro College and the Orthodox Union Award Scholarships for High School Graduates Orthodox Union

The prestigious Sarah Rivkah and Dr. Bernard Lander zt”l Scholarships were awarded to four deserving NCSY teens.

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  Touro College and the Orthodox Union Award Scholarships for High School Graduates
Brachot for Various Occasions Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

Did you ever see a rainbow and not know what bracha to recite? Don't get caught by surprise again with this handy wallet-sized guide!

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  Brachot for Various Occasions
How Not to Argue Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Korach was swallowed up by the ground but his spirit is still alive and well in the unlikeliest of places...

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  How Not to Argue
Better They Learn From Me Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

What can the martial arts–and this week's parsha–teach us about conflict resolution?

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  Better They Learn From Me
Stiff-Necked: The Soul of Man Rabbi Eliyahu Safran

What is it that made us so stiff-necked? Why had the doubts persisted despite God’s punishments and retributions?

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  Stiff-Necked: The Soul of Man
Rebel, Rebel? Rabbi Menachem Genack

Korach’s rebellion wasn’t only against Moshe but against the king of Israel.

Read more
  Rebel, Rebel?
A Late-Night Drive Through Machtesh Ramon Torah Tidbits

OU-JLIC's Rabbi Josh Botwinick wonders: Is Machtesh Ramon the site where Korach and his eidah met their doom? Explore this and more in Torah Tidbits.

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  A Late-Night Drive Through Machtesh Ramon
Tachanun With No Sefer Torah—To Sit or To Stand? Halacha Yomis

If there is no sefer Torah, like at many of the outdoor minyanim taking place now, should one sit or stand for Tachanun?

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  Tachanun With No Sefer Torah—To Sit or To Stand?
Summer 2020 – We Have Our Work Cut Out for Us More Than Ever Before Hylton I. Lightman, MD, DCH (SA), FAAP

Discover why the threat of drug or alcohol abuse this summer is greater than ever.

Read more
  Summer 2020 – We Have Our Work Cut Out for Us More Than Ever Before
More Tips on How to Stop Disrespect in Its Tracks Adina Soclof

The series on teaching kids to be respectful continues. Watch the new episode and catch up on those you've missed.

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  More Tips on How to Stop Disrespect in Its Tracks
Featured Company: PureWild OU Kosher

PureWild is a company based in Ojai, California, that makes refreshing drinks fortified with wild-harvested marine collagen and adaptogenic botanicals.

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  Featured Company: PureWild

Parshat Korach
June 26-27, 2020
5 Tammuz 5780

Shmuel I 11:14-12:22

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