Thursday, June 11, 2020

Fwd: Yachad's Singer Battle; OU Kosher Slurpee List 2020; Divine Misfire?

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Date: Thu, Jun 11, 2020, 8:52 PM
Subject: Yachad's Singer Battle; OU Kosher Slurpee List 2020; Divine Misfire?
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Orthodox Union OU Shabbat Shalom Weekly
An Appreciation of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm zt"l Rabbi Menachem Genack

The Jewish world lost a giant. A towering intellect, profound thinker, exceptional talmid chacham, prolific author, consummate teacher and inspiring rabbinic presence, his impact on our community will endure.

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An Appreciation of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm ztl
This Tuesday: Battle of the Singers to Benefit Yachad—Get Your Tickets Yachad

Register now to join the livestream event of the year with Jewish singing sensations Benny Friedman and Mordechai Shapiro! Battle of the Singers will be an interactive and inspiring musical program for the entire family to enjoy.

Sign up now
This Tuesday: Battle of the Singers to Benefit Yachad—Get Your Tickets
Around the OU
OU Women's Initiative Virtual Summit—This Sunday! OU Women's Initiative

It's your last chance to register for the OU Women's Initiative virtual lay leadership summit.

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  OU Women's Initiative Virtual Summit—This Sunday!
Register: Two Webinars for Seniors on Financial Prep This Week Community Engagement

Join Debby Rosenfeld, Esq., on Tuesday, June 16, and Rabbi Elchonon Zohn on Thursday, June 18, both at 11:00 AM EDT, to discuss the changing Medicaid landscape, estate planning, halachic wills and more.

Read more
  Register: Two Webinars for Seniors on Financial Prep This Week
Sign up for the Ride of Your Life: Bike NCSY 2020 Bike NCSY

Bike NCSY goes national on Sunday, August 9, with multiple pre-arranged regional routes, a variety of courses for riders and special $10 registration for teens.

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  Sign up for the Ride of Your Life: Bike NCSY 2020
Watch: COVID-19: The Financial Impact on Synagogues Synagogue Services

A conversation with Camille Wenner, Executive Director of Congregation Schara Tzedeck, Vancouver, and Rand Levin, Executive Director of Beth Jacob Synagogue, San Diego.

Read more
  Watch: COVID-19: The Financial Impact on Synagogues
Loneliness and Faith Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

We must deduce that Moses was suffering from lack of companionship. He had become the lonely man of faith.

Read more
  Loneliness and Faith
The Sixth Sefer? Rabbi Menachem Genack

This parshah, according to one tannaitic view, contains a separate sefer of 85 letters. What does this mean?

Read more
  The Sixth Sefer?
A Divine Misfire Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

No matter what your motivation, you cannot avoid your God-mandated responsibilities.

Read more
  A Divine Misfire
Earning Self-Esteem Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

When a person is convinced of his or her own importance and value, he or she will be motivated and will act accordingly.

Read more
  Earning Self-Esteem
Are We There Yet? Torah Tidbits

Rabbi Judah Mischel on the parsha—enjoy this and much more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

Read more
  Are We There Yet?
Jewish Thought
Rabbi Teitz's Polo Grounds Civil Rights Speech Rabbi Pinchas Mordechai Teitz zt"l

Look back at a speech given by JEC Founder Rabbi Teitz zt"l at the Polo Grounds in 1963 to encourage participation in the March on Washington.

Read more
  Rabbi Teitz's Polo Grounds Civil Rights Speech
Davening With Conflicting Emotions and Sefer Ezra: On the Return to Minyan Rabbi Avika Males

Rabbi Akiva Males takes you through his shul's experience of returning to communal prayer.

Read more
  Davening With Conflicting Emotions and Sefer Ezra: On the Return to Minyan
Summer Has Now Arrived: The 2020 Slurpee List OU Kosher

A summer favorite, the updated Kosher Slurpee list! Enjoy an OU Kosher Slurpee to cool off!

Read more
  Summer Has Now Arrived: The 2020 Slurpee List

Parshat Beha'alotecha
June 12-13, 2020
21 Sivan 5780

Zechariah 2:14-4:7

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