Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Fwd: “Maimonides: The Man, the Myth, the Magnum Opus” Join us tomorrow for a Live Zoom at 7pm!

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From: Chabad of Poway <>
Date: Wed, Jul 8, 2020, 5:19 PM
Subject: "Maimonides: The Man, the Myth, the Magnum Opus" Join us tomorrow for a Live Zoom at 7pm!
To: <>

"Maimonides: The Man, the Myth, the Magnum Opus"

Dear Chana,

Join us this Thursday, July 9 at 7:00 PM for a sweeping multimedia presentation, introducing you to the Rambam's inspirational life, his monumental achievement of the Mishneh Torah, and the Rebbe's institution of daily Rambam study. Celebrating the completion of the 39th annual study cycle!

Click here to join the Zoom tomorrow night at 7:00pm

Meeting ID: 824 7313 0705
Password: Rambam

Hundreds of thousands across the globe are beginning the 40th cycle of studying Maimonides' code of Jewish law, known as the Mishneh Torah.

To all who celebrated completing the 39th study cycle: Mazal tov!

If you have yet to take the plunge, here's why you should try it this time:

  • Maimonides' code covers all the laws of the Torah. By studying it, you will become familiar with every area of Jewish law and also fulfill the special mitzvah to do so!
  • You will be joining a global community of Jews who, transcending boundaries of time and space, are studying the entire Torah in unison. Double unity: The whole Torah, around the whole world!
  • We make it easy! Whichever track you choose, we have a full menu of original Hebrew Hebrew and English texts, as well as daily audio and video classes to help you along.

Starting is simple:

  • If you have the time and know-how, join the three-chapters-a-day cycle, to finish the code once a year. Students on this track are restarting the study cycle today.
  • Alternatively, the one-chapter-a-day program finishes the entire cycle every three years. You can join at any time.
  • For those on the go, the daily mitzvah track, also starting today, covers a portion of Maimonides' Sefer Hamitzvot corresponding to the topics covered in the three-chapters-a day track.

Want to know more? Hear what the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, initiator of this global Torah revolution, has to say about it...

Now is the time to take the plunge.

It has never been easier, and the rewards are incredible.

May you all have an easy & meaningful fast tomorrow (starting at 4:14am and ends at 8:28pm) the 17th day of Tamuz and start of the 3 weeks till the 9th of Av. May these weeks be turned into days of joy with the coming of Moshaich speedily in our days Amein!

Rabbi Mendel

The Life and Works of Moses Maimonides
Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, Talmudist, Halachist, physician, philosopher and communal leader, is one of the most important figures in the history of Torah scholarship. Read about his scholarship and achievements, and the modern-day global campaign to unite world Jewry through the study of his writings.

Follow these links for more on:
In Pictures: Maimonides' Life & Beyond

His Life
His Life
The Life and Achievements of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon
Study Campaign
Study Campaign
An Overview of the Rebbe's Historic Rambam Campaign
Audio & Video about the Rambam, Daily Study, and Gleanings from His Words
Delve Into the World of Maimonidean Wisdom


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